Darkling Lust Read online

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  "Oh, you!” Mary laughed and gouged Drykin in the ribs. He flinched and gave a sharp yelp, but laughed and didn't let go of her hand. It struck Mary that she'd never been so totally at ease like this with another person since the death of her parents a couple of years back. Now—finally—she understood why her mother gave up the battle with cancer she'd fought for five years when her father had been killed in the automobile crash. They had shared a similar camaraderie with each other for more than thirty years. She'd have been lost, too.

  It hit her so profoundly that she didn't realize she'd stopped walking. Drykin didn't pull her along—instead, he stopped with her. He didn't seem in a rush to get to their destination; he just let her do what she needed to do. Right now, she was discovering how much he really meant to her. Mary could feel the gamut of emotions coursing through Drykin, all of them positive, and she knew without a doubt he loved her too.

  "Did you really expect anything else?” His question was spoken softly as he smiled at her. “You're everything I asked for in a woman and more. I had no choice but to love you. The moment you opened that book, I was yours."

  Mary threw her arms around Drykin's neck. He laughed happily and hugged her back. “You're an amazing woman, my Mary. I'm blessed to have this time with you."

  "I'm here as long as you want me. You've managed to get under my skin in a very short period of time. I'm already not willing to imagine my life without you. I don't want to. And I don't plan on it."

  "You won't have to.” He gave her a final squeeze before breaking their embrace to look at her. “Are you ready, my Mary? I want to seal our bond, but more than anything, I just want you again.” He glanced down at his erect cock and grinned. “I'll always want you again."

  Mary giggled. The knowledge of his longing combined with the combined love and lust he held deep inside him for her and only her made her tingle inside, and her pussy clenched in anticipation. “Lead the way. I'm as anxious as you are."

  They walked through the grass down the hill to the lake. As they got closer, Mary saw a large area carpeted with small flowers. In the middle of it was a large feather bed with plush comforters and pillows. It looked like something out of a fairy tale.

  "Did you do all this?” Mary had never seen anything so romantic except in movies.

  "Does it meet your approval, then?” He squeezed her hand as they stopped just at the edge of the carpet of flowers.

  "It's breathtaking, Drykin. You're such a softie.” She laughed when he cringed.

  "I'm a dangerous hunter. There's nothing soft about me."

  "You're a romantic at heart. Some would say that makes you a softie.” Mary smiled and caressed his face. This man wasn't soft, no matter her teasing. He was strong. Strong of body, strong of mind, strong of heart.

  "Absolutely not.” He stood up straighter, captured her hand in his, and brought it to his lips. “It only means I love you and would do anything I could to make you happy. Any man who loves another like I love you is the strongest man in the world because of his willingness to look like a romantic fool."

  A deep, gruff voice cut through the picture perfect scene and Mary's heart lurched. “Well, you got the fool part right, anyway."

  Mary whipped around to see the same Drakonion who'd tried to kidnap her earlier. He stood there, arms crossed and not moving. His wings were tucked behind him, and it looked like he meant to do nothing other than stand there.

  "Brother,” Drykin growled, pushing Mary behind him and grasping her wrist. Mary tried to peep around him, but Drykin spread his wings, effectively blocking her view and shielding her from the Drakonion at the same time. “You cannot interfere."

  "I'm not here to interfere,” the Drakonion hissed. “I'm here to make sure the deed is done. If she backs out, then I want her."

  "She's here of her own free will. Had she not wanted this, she'd have returned to her world."

  "Ah, but she did. And I claimed her."

  Mary could hear the evil lust, but it was more than that. This creature didn't want her for a companion—he was looking for someone to fulfill his own needs and desires. He cared nothing for her. Not that it mattered.

  She wanted to say something, but she knew Drykin wanted her to stay silent. He knew the other man better than she did, so Mary only listened and tried to be ready should there be a need to flee.

  "She didn't choose, brother. She only needed time to accept something strange to her. Because I love her, I chose to give her that time.” Mary could feel the frustration within Drykin. He knew the other man had no idea what he meant, but he was compelled to try to explain anyway. “You can't force a woman to love you, brother. She has to accept you as you are and you have to accept her. When it's true love, nothing else matters. Don't you see?"

  The Drakonion snorted. “What ever you say. We were promised a woman and I mean to get one."

  "Not you, brother.” Mary could feel the sadness envelop Drykin, and she wrapped her arms around his waist. He covered her hands with one of his. The need to hide her from the threat of the Drakonion was almost as strong as the need to draw from the strength she offered him. “You chose to harm that which we were sent to protect. Until you reaffirm to the cause set before us, you'll never receive your reward."

  "I gave three millennia of myself with nothing to show for it!” The Drakonion exploded with angry words.

  Mary cringed and tried to let Drykin loose in case he needed to fight, but he held her to him.

  "Because you weren't ready.” Drykin tried his best to get through to the man he called “brother,” but Mary knew Drykin was convinced the man wouldn't see reason. He was lost. At least for now. “Had you been in my situation, could you have given your woman the chance to return home and decide on her own what she would do with her life? Had she not been willing to give up all she had at her earthly home—family, friends, a career, anything—would you have let her go so she could be happy?"

  "Never! And you were a fool to let yours. I would have taken her for my own."

  "She felt your intent, brother. You would have fed from her psychic energy until she was drained, then killed her.” Drykin snorted in disgust. “And you think yourself ready for a reward such as this. You've lost your purpose. You need to remember the oaths we swore and what it meant to us back then."

  "I refuse to aid a race that hates the very sight of me."

  "Which is why you were never given your woman. You don't understand what it is to love. When each life you are unable to save cuts you to the quick, then you're ready."

  Sadness almost overwhelmed Mary. Tears actually sprang from her eyes. She couldn't feel the emotions from the Drakonion, but Drykin could. It was hard to tell, but she was pretty sure it was the Drakonion she was feeling through Drykin.

  Drykin lowered his wings slightly and Mary peeked around them. The large creature before them was bent slightly, almost in defeat. He looked as if his last hope had slipped away and he would be lost forever.

  "I fear it is too late for me, my friend.” She almost didn't hear the words from the Drakonion, he spoke them so softly. “I have killed too often and reveled in it to be upset over one death. I've become the very thing I hunted."

  "Can you still feel my emotions, brother?” When the Drakonion nodded, Drykin continued. “Then witness our joining. It may hurt your heart, but it might also be the very thing that saves you."

  "You would have me, the enemy, bear witness when you claim your mate?” The Drakonion snorted. “You're not as smart as I thought. I'd as soon rip both of you to shreds than to watch you fuck the human whore."

  "Your feelings name you a liar. Besides, you're not my enemy. You're my brother."

  Both men stood straight and proud, staring at each other for several moments. Finally, the Drakonion sighed. “As you wish. I will witness your union and hope it gives me resolve to find my path that I might once again become a Darkling."

  In a show of trust, Drykin turned his back to the Drakonion and wrapped his
arms around Mary. Gently, he lifted them both to the feather bed in the middle of the flowers and lay down with her. Drykin waved his hand and a dome glowed around them once, then vanished.

  "What was that?” Mary looked for signs the dome remained, but saw none.

  "For our protection. I trust my brother, but not that much."

  "I don't understand all that's going on. I'm assuming we make love now, but how does that change things?"

  He kissed her then and she really didn't care. Still, he explained in between kisses and removing her light garments.

  "It's merely a ceremony. Sometimes it's witnessed by friends and family, other times, it's done in private. It's done outdoors in reverence to the wonders God has created, but is not strictly necessary. I want it this way simply because I think you look lovely surrounded by flower petals in the afternoon light."

  "Well, when you put it that way...” Mary's smile was captured by Drykin's lips, and she was soon lost in a blistering blaze of passion. He created it so effortlessly in her. The slightest touch of his mouth set her off. Mary wanted nothing more than to let him explore her body at will. She touched him, too, but it felt too good to move sometimes.

  After a while, she gave up. Hands over her head, she surrendered herself to him, crying out softly when he captured one ripe nipple in his mouth. Mary stroked the curve of his head and the rise of one horn. It should have reminded her how different they were, but she celebrated their differences. His rich, dark skin next to her creamy white skin was the least of it, too.

  When Mary finally wrapped her arms around him to pull him on top of her, her fingers found the juncture of his back and wings. He shivered and Mary filed it away. Obviously a pleasure point.

  She continued to stroke his wing arm until she coaxed a surrendering groan of his own from him. Wrapping her legs around him, Mary pulled him against her, his cock rubbing insistently against her clit now. Sweat dampened both their bodies, and their breathing was harsh in the stillness of the meadow.

  Drykin stilled her movements with a firm hand on her hip. His leg was bent and his cock positioned at the perfect angle to enter her in one swift thrust, the head of it nestled at the entrance of her cunt.

  "For the name, Drykin, I freely give you my heart, my soul, and my body. I am yours until the day we both return home to the Father. There will never be another for me, my Mary."

  Mary was touched by the lovely vows, but wasn't certain what she needed to do. She searched his eyes for the answer, but found only love shining there. He didn't expect anything from her, but she felt compelled to say something in return. If she were to get married, she would start their lives on equal ground.

  "For having a tender heart and loving me enough to let me choose my own path, I give you the same that you've given me. My heart, my soul, and my body are yours. There will never be another for me either, my Drykin."

  She had time to register his surprise before he thrust into her in a swift stroke. After that, nothing else mattered.

  Drykin wrapped his arms around her and pumped into her body, both giving and receiving pleasure. He seemed to pick images out of her mind of things she wanted him to do and used them to pleasure her. Not only did he keep a steady rhythm going, but he stroked her body and tweaked her nipples until he built her pleasure to a fevered pitch.

  Without a word, he flipped them over and positioned Mary astride him, his hands resting lightly on her thighs. Mary needed no further encouragement. She moved over him, riding him and grinding her pussy onto his cock. She twisted her hips and watched as his eyes darkened in pleasure and his mouth opened to gasp slightly.

  "You are truly a beautiful, giving woman, my Mary.” His voice was harsh in his pleasure, but Mary found she loved the sound. She loved knowing she could do this to him, and that the lust wasn't all one-sided. Still, she was ready for more. She wanted to come and take him with her.

  As easy as that, Drykin flipped them again and began fucking her in earnest. Mary wrapped her legs around his waist and used his body as leverage to thrust her pelvis at him as well. The pleasure tingling in her clit was maddening. He seemed to let her hover over the edge for several minutes before finally shifting his pelvis slightly and rubbing her clit with his pubic area. Once the friction started, so did Mary's orgasm. She screamed and bucked against him with almost violent intensity.

  "That's it, my Mary. Come for me.” The veins on either side of his neck stood out starkly in his strain. Mary knew he was holding back for her and she would have none of it.

  "Come with me, Drykin. Come inside me and seal our union. I want all of you. Don't hold back. Please!"

  As if it were the trigger he needed, Drykin shouted and thrust into her one last time. He roared his completion as his hot seed spilled inside Mary to coat her pussy.

  It was the ultimate bliss!

  Mary was dizzy from her too-fast breathing, but she knew it would pass. Drykin clung to her as tightly as she clung to him, and it was only then that she realized her eyes were squeezed shut. With a strangled laugh, she opened them.

  Golden sunlight surrounded them, its radiance unlike anything Mary had ever seen. Drykin looked skyward and smiled.

  "Thank you, my Lord. Thank you so much for this great gift.” His whispered prayer was said with the utmost reverence, and Mary breathed a quiet, “Amen."

  Almost as an afterthought, Drykin looked around them. The Drakonion was nowhere to be found. Mary felt the sadness in him, but he couldn't sustain it. It just wasn't in him to be sad at this moment. His brother meant a lot to him, but he was his own man. Drykin knew this and refused to dwell on things he couldn't change.

  "He may yet come around, you know.” Mary kissed Drykin's cheek and turned him back to face her.

  "It's possible.” He smiled. “It's out of my hands. I'll help if he asks, but he's got to follow his own path."

  "So, are we official?” Mary stretched, thrusting her breasts at him slightly. He didn't let the opportunity pass, but took one nipple in his mouth and pulled lazily, rolling them to their sides.

  "That we are. Do you have any regrets?"

  "Only that I went back that first night."

  "Don't regret that. It brought my brother to me and may have saved him. Everything happens for a reason."

  "Will you go after him? I know you want to.” Mary didn't want Drykin in danger, but wouldn't question him if he chose to follow the Drakonion.

  "No. He'll come back to me eventually. When he does, I'll be waiting for him. Right now, all I want to think about is you and how many ways we can celebrate our union before the morning."

  Mary grinned a wicked smile. “Well, I've got an idea."

  Drykin's eyes narrowed a moment before widening in surprise. “I'm not sure I can find that much Jell-O. Besides, I don't think my wings will fit in the tub."

  Mary laughed and hugged him close. “I'll settle for chocolate pudding and the shower then. But as soon as you get a bigger tub..."

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  Marteeka Karland

  Erotic romance author by night, emergency room tech/clerk by day, Marteeka Karland works really hard to drive everyone in her life completely and totally nuts. She has been creating stories from her warped imagination since she was in the third grade. Her love of writing blossomed throughout her teenage years until it developed into the totally unorthodox and irreverent style her English teachers tried hard to rid her of.

  Want to see what's up with Marteeka? Check out her website at www.marteekakarland.com or join her yahoo group at [email protected]. Marteeka always welcomes e-mail from her readers. You can reach her at [email protected].

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