Vicious (Salvation's Bane MC 1): A Bones MC Romance Read online

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“Because we are. Data is bringing in Giovanni Romano from Shadow Demons. They own Argent Tech, and it sounds like they need to be brought up to speed.”

  “What are the odds El Diablo ended up where he is, as president of Black Reign? A club in our backyard when we’re a sister club to Bones, and Shadow Demons use Cain’s company, ExFil, for security on a regular basis?” Thorn was on the same path Vicious was.

  “Don’t believe in coincidences,” Vicious said. “Especially not ones that big.”

  “He wanted all of us as a buffer between him and whomever is on the other side of that investment banker.” Thorn led the way to the basement where they usually held church. Though this wasn’t a formal meeting involving all the club members, they needed someplace they could talk and plan without being disturbed. “So, if Rush Developments is where it starts, El Diablo is the go-to guy, who’s on the other end? Who are we really fighting here?”

  “That’s the six-million-dollar question,” Vicious answered. “He’s working on it. I’m betting Data and Giovanni can put it all together. Just give them time.”

  “In the meantime, what do we do about your girl?” Thorn raised an eyebrow at Vicious. Try as he might, Vicious couldn’t hold his president’s gaze when he answered him.

  “She ain’t my girl. I just found her, brother.”

  “Right,” Thorn said, obviously not buying it. Havoc didn’t even try to hide his snort.

  “Hey, I just found her. Don’t mean I’m claimin’ her.”

  “Oh, really? Why’d you put her in your room then?” Of course Havoc would have noticed that.

  “Where the fuck else was I supposed to put her? Ain’t like this is a fuckin’ hotel.”

  “Coulda left her in Mercedes’s room. Bitch ain’t likely to come back anytime soon.”

  “It’s the ‘likely’ part that had me concerned. You honestly want a cat fight on your hands?” When Thorn grinned, Vicious heaved a sigh. “I mean minus the Jell-O or pudding.”

  Finally, Thorn chuckled, Havoc joining in. “Fine, Vicious. Deny it all you want, but I think you’re staking a claim. Maybe for the short term, but you don’t put her in your room otherwise. You give her to one of the club girls, and they deal with her. Now, you’re stuck with a woman and jealous club girls. Honestly, how do you manage to get such a fuckin’ followin’?”

  Vicious cupped his crotch. “Gotta have the right equipment and know how to use it, bro. Club girls love a man with skill and beef.”

  Havoc howled his laughter. “He got you there, prez.”

  Thorn wasn’t put out at all. In fact, he looked satisfied. Probably could sense how restless Vicious was getting talking about the girl waiting in his room. Thorn knew his men better than they knew themselves sometimes.

  “Let me know if anything develops. Also, I want eyes on El Diablo and Black Reign. If they so much as take a shit somewhere they don’t normally shit, I wanna know about it.”

  “I’ll get Ripper on it. If he needs equipment we don’t have, I’ll get him to borrow it from Data. Might take a few days to get everything set up.”

  “Not a problem. Until then, I want two men on the Black Reign clubhouse and two on El Diablo around the clock.”

  Chapter Three

  Lucy woke with a blanket tucked securely around her in a warm embrace. The pizza had been delicious. In fact, she’d eaten all but one slice. He’d sent beer, too. A six pack. She’d polished off three before she’d finally passed out. Not literally. It had been forever since she’d gotten more than a couple hours’ sleep at a time. With a full belly and the alcohol, she’d been so sleepy, all she could do was stumble to the bathroom then lie on the couch. The bed had beckoned, but she wasn’t touching it. No fucking way.

  As she rubbed her eyes and stretched, she realized she was in the very place she’d avoided. Not only that, she was surrounded by strong arms with her ear resting over the steady drum of a beating heart. A warm, masculine scent surrounded her. Strangely, she wasn’t scared. She should be, but it just wasn’t there.

  “Have a good sleep?” God, could that voice be any sexier? She recognized Vicious, but now he sounded more erotic than scary.

  “How long have I been out?” She tried to move off him, but his arms were unbreakable bands around her. If she were honest, it felt too nice to struggle much.

  “Oh, about twelve hours. I found you on the couch, shivering. Don’t expect that to happen again.”

  “Falling asleep on the couch without a blanket?”

  “Fallin’ asleep on the couch, period. You want to sleep, you crawl into the bed and cover up. You’ll be warm and comfortable.”

  “Believe me, the couch was comfortable.”

  “Not like the bed.” One hand began to stroke soothingly over her through the blanket. Never into forbidden territory, but he showed no signs of stopping. His hands were so big he spanned her whole back. Lucy remembered how big he was and could only imagine how she looked lying there against his chest. Probably like a child.

  “Are you always so bossy?”

  He chuckled. “Oh, baby girl, you have no idea.” She sighed, then pushed off him, intending to get up. Again, he held her fast. “Where you goin’?”

  “Well, as you pointed out, I’ve been asleep for twelve hours. I had three beers before going to sleep. The bathroom would be my very best friend right now.”

  For several moments he didn’t move. Then he let out a resigned sigh. “Fine. But I want you back here the second you’re done. We need to talk.”

  Several questions went through her mind, but Lucy wasn’t voicing any of them yet. She scrambled off the bed and into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. Strangely, she felt cold and… unhappy now that she was away from him.


  Yeah. If ever there was a man she needed to avoid, it was this one. He could break her in half if he chose. And what did she really know about this group? Black Reign wasn’t cruel to her, or, at least, not that she’d witnessed. The women had never spoken about being mistreated or made to do anything they hadn’t wanted to do. Even though she’d been asked to dance for parties and privately for Rycks, no one had made unwanted advances on her, and no one had suggested she do anything other than dance. They paid her well for that service, not counting tips. Better than she’d ever made at the club, even with tips and lap dances.

  Then Rycks had sent her here. Obviously, he hadn’t given this club the heads-up she was coming. Her first instinct to hide her presence had been the best idea. So how did she deal with Vicious? If he was planning to hurt her, she doubted he’d have let her have a good night’s sleep beforehand. It probably wasn’t the smartest decision she’d ever make, but she was going to take things at face value. If he proved he intended her harm, she’d backtrack and regroup.

  As she washed her hands, Lucy looked into the mirror at herself. Without makeup or her hair styled, she looked like a lost waif. A far cry from the exotic dancer she transformed herself into. Her hair was in a messy bun out of her way for sleep, little curls slipping free.

  She brushed a stray curl out of her face before heaving a little sigh. Which was when she noticed a toothbrush in the package lying on the vanity. With a shrug, she opened it and used it. It was amazing how much better she felt after brushing her teeth. So, she decided to wash her face as well. Her clothes weren’t the freshest, but she felt a hundred percent better.

  When she exited the bathroom, she found Vicious still stretched out on the bed, his hands behind his head. He looked like he was dozing, but she had the feeling he was all too aware of her. A quick glance at the windows let her know it was dark outside. If she’d slept for twelve hours, it was probably three or four in the morning.

  “Come on,” he said, not opening his eyes. “Back up here with ya.”

  “If we’re going to talk, shouldn’t we sit somewhere?”

  “No. We’re doin’ it just like we were when you woke up.”


  “‘Cause I
said so, girl. Now get up here before I take you over my knee.”

  OK, that brought her up short. “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. There are rules here. You follow them or you get punished.” He still didn’t open his eyes, and Lucy was certain she saw a faint smile on his face, but in the dim lighting, she couldn’t be sure.

  “I never heard any of the other girls talk about getting hit. I think that would have been something I’d have heard about.”

  “No one said anything about being hit. But being spanked is a completely different experience.”

  Unbidden, the image of her lying across Vicious’s lap while he spanked her bare bottom flashed through her head, and she nearly whimpered. Why in the world was that image so hot? That totally wasn’t her scene. In fact, she avoided any form of pain for any reason. His warm chuckle said he was, indeed, paying very close attention to her.

  With a huff, she threw herself onto the bed, crossing her arms over her chest as she lay on the opposite side from him. No way she was going to get into an argument with him over something like that when the very idea turned her on so fast, she had no hope of controlling her reaction.

  She figured Vicious would demand she drape herself over him like she had been, but instead he chuckled before rolling over and blanketing himself over her. One heavy thigh pinned hers, and one obscenely muscled arm wound around her upper body. His face rested against her hair as he snuggled against her, settling them both under the blanket, their heads sharing one pillow.

  “Uh, what the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  “Getting comfortable.”

  “I feel compelled to point out we’d be just as comfortable sitting on the couch.”

  “I disagree.” His voice rumbled through her body, so she had to stifle a shiver. Why in the world she was attracted to this type of man she had no idea. Hell, the whole time she was in the Black Reign clubhouse she hadn’t been attracted to the men there. Sure, some of them had been sexy and even charming, but it was all part of the job to her. Maybe that was the problem. This wasn’t a job. But what if she could make it one?

  “Fine. Talk. Then I can get a shower and start the day.”

  “It’s three in the morning. Anyone up this hour ain’t gonna want you to be startin’ your day. They’re gonna be wantin’ services I’m not sure you’d want to provide.”

  “Is that what this is about?” She tried to look at him, but he simply nuzzled her head until she turned back and he settled against her once again. “You think I intend to earn my keep on my back?”

  He shrugged. “On your back. On your knees. Whatever.” She was about to give him what for when he laughed. “I can see gettin’ your back up is gonna be the highlight of my day.”

  “You’re a swine!”

  “Relax, Lucy. You’re safe here. But we’ve got to set up an arrangement between the two of us. You’re not ready to be turned loose in the club, and you don’t have the disposition of a club girl.”

  “Oh, really? I did just fine in Black Reign.”

  “How’d you earn your keep?”

  Jesus. Did she really want to do this again? Rycks hadn’t taken advantage of her. Would Vicious?

  “That’s none of your business.”

  “I only ask because everyone earns their keep here. If you’re here as a club girl or patch chaser you’ll be expected to service the men who want it.”

  “I just knew you’d say that,” she bit out. It wasn’t unexpected, but she couldn’t deny she was disappointed. “Let me up.”

  “You just stay right here, baby girl.”

  “I’m not having sex to earn my keep. That’s not even on the table. I’d rather leave.” Again, she pushed away, kicking out when he wouldn’t let her up. “Let me go, you asshole!”

  “Calm the fuck down, woman.”

  “I said, let me go!”

  “Christ! Would you stop squirming!” Vicious shifted so that he covered her more fully, rolling his hips so that she had to spread her legs.

  Lucy couldn’t catch her breath. How could she have misjudged this man so badly? “Don’t! I didn’t agree to this!”

  “Calm your tits, woman. I’m not doing anything other than trying to get you to lay still. I’m not gonna hurt you.”

  “I’m not a whore,” she whimpered. “I’m a dancer. That’s it!”

  He pulled back slightly, giving her a baffled look. “A… dancer?”

  “Yes. That’s all. I danced for Black Reign. I didn’t sleep with any of them.”

  Vicious took some of his weight from her, but didn’t move off. “I ain’t makin’ you a whore, baby girl. But we need to come to an arrangement to keep you off limits to the other men in Salvation’s Bane. Otherwise, you’ll have men crawlin’ up your ass. So to speak.”

  Lucy tried to slow her breathing down. She’d never been so frightened. Probably because she had no idea where she stood with Vicious. He could do whatever he wanted, yet he didn’t seem to be progressing the situation any further. She closed her eyes and took several deep breaths, finding her focus. It was similar to the way she felt before a performance. All she had to do was get a hold of herself.

  * * *

  There was a moment when Vicious could see Lucy panic. Her eyes were wide and wild, their golden color almost completely consumed by the dark pupil. She had been afraid he was going to force himself on her, yet she worked her way through it. He could see it in her eyes. And he was a bastard for pushing her. No man should have done that and not gotten castrated, yet there he was. He’d tried to sooth her fears, but he hadn’t moved off her. He wanted her to accept that he wouldn’t harm her, to come to the conclusion on her own and accept his dominance.

  Because he was a bastard.

  She looked up with those lovely, lovely eyes of hers. Sweet. Innocent. She was slight of form, so much smaller than him. So delicate. He stroked her shiny hair, her cheekbones. The petal-soft skin of her lips beckoned him, but he didn’t dare kiss her. Not yet. Not now. She’d lose her mind.

  She closed her eyes briefly, taking several breaths. Calming herself. When she opened her eyes again, she met his boldly. No fear shown there, or resignation. Only a trust he didn’t deserve, and she shouldn’t give.

  “What do you want from me?” Though her voice shook, she held his gaze boldly. A brave little warrior.

  “I want you to stay here with me. You’ll be my woman for all intents and purposes. You’ll stay in my room. Wear my property patch. I won’t touch you other than to sleep with you at night unless we’re in public, but only to keep appearances.”

  “Why? Why not just say I’m off limits?”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Did Rycks do that?”

  “Well, no. But he didn’t claim either me or Mae either. His brothers just knew.”

  “He didn’t claim you conventionally. But I’m willing to bet he warned off every single man in that club.” What Vicious held back from her was that no one in his club would ever touch her unless she invited it whether she was claimed or not. He was just being a bastard and wanting to make sure no one touched her even if she did invite it.

  She shrugged. “Maybe. I got hit on, but not seriously. Mae didn’t at all.”

  “I could probably work out something like that, but I’m not taking any chances. You’re not here for any reason other than to wait for your sister.”

  “I can dance, you know. It worked with Black Reign. I danced three or four nights a week in the common room. It was pretty much just like working a club except the pay was better. Anyone hitting on me took ‘no’ for an answer and tipped extra. I don’t mind doing that here to earn my keep.”

  Something inside Vicious threatened to burst out of him. It was ugly and mean. Possessive to a fault. No way he wanted other men to see her naked body. “That pleasure is only for me, baby girl. You wanna dance for me? I’ll definitely take it. But no one else. Not here.”

  “Then I guess we have a deal. I’m here until Rycks and El Diablo f
ind my sister. I’m comfortable with dancing.”

  “Bane is looking for your sister, too. I dare say we’ll find her before Black Reign does. Assuming they’re even looking for her.”

  “Believe me. Rycks is looking for Mae. I think he sees himself as her protector.”

  “Any chance he arranged for her to be taken? You know. Like away from the club so he could have her for himself?”

  Lucy shook her head. “It wasn’t like that. Besides, he already kept her away from the clubhouse as much as possible. Both of us. I was there at night, but he took me back to the estate he and El Diablo and El Segador shared.”

  “I take it the three of them were close.” Vicious didn’t like where this was going.

  “Yes. I think they’d been together long before any of them came to Black Reign. Rycks was there first but he is solidly El Diablo’s man.”

  “And this El Segador?”

  She shivered, looking away from Vicious for the first time. “He’s not like any person I’ve ever met. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear he didn’t have a soul.” As she talked to him, Lucy relaxed under his hold. A good sign. “He’s the man who makes their problems go away. From what I saw, if he went after someone, his solutions were permanent, if you know what I mean.”

  “I get you. Did he ever harm you or threaten you in anyway?”

  “Never. But I didn’t interact with him at all. As far as I know, neither did Mae. Rycks kept us as far away from El Segador as he could.”

  All this was more than Vicious could wrap his head around at the moment. He hadn’t had enough rest, what with the meetings with Thorn and Havoc and the members of Bones actively working on the problem. He’d only been in bed a couple hours when Lucy had roused. Now, he just wanted a couple more hours.

  “We’ll talk more later.” He rolled over to his side, taking her with him and positioning her so she was spooned against him. “Right now, I need a fuckin’ nap.”

  She was silent. Vicious had nearly drifted off when she spoke again. “You know, I could sleep on the couch.”

  “Already discussed that. Ain’t as comfortable as the bed.”