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Vicious (Salvation’s Bane 1) Page 4

  “You’re an ass, you know that?”

  Vicious couldn’t help the grin tugging at his lips. “Maybe. But I’m going to be a comfortable ass.”

  She giggled, and everything in Vicious settled. He couldn’t do the things to her little body he wanted to -- yet -- but she would be his as much as he could manage.

  Lucy settled against him, snuggling into his embrace. It wasn’t long before her breathing was deep and even, letting Vicious know she’d dozed off. Though he was bone tired, he found it hard to actually sleep. There was too much on his mind. Mostly, what to do about this whole situation.

  One thing at a time. They had to find Mae. Once they did, they’d work out a rescue plan, most likely with Black Reign, though he didn’t trust those motherfuckers any farther than he could spit. With the other club or without them, Vicious knew Thorn would have contacted Black Reign so the two clubs didn’t up killing each other in the crossfire.

  Though he didn’t think he’d be able to go to sleep, no matter how tired he was, Lucy’s warm body pressed tightly against him, the trusting way she slept so peacefully in his arms, relaxed him more than anything had in memory. With a final sigh, Vicious closed his eyes and slept.

  Chapter Four

  “You’ve got a lot of fuckin’ explainin’ to do, El Diablo.” Thorn let his voice mirror his anger. It took more than a minor nuisance to get Thorn’s back up, but this whole situation was more than disrespectful. It could potentially put the club at risk. Vicious was sure it had been a very long time since he’d seen his president this angry. “Sendin’ that girl here had less to do with keepin’ her safe and more to do with seein’ how far you could fuckin’ push me, you bastard.”

  There was a pause in Thorn’s tirade as El Diablo spoke on the other end of the phone before Thorn continued. “I could give a good Goddamn! My only concern is keepin’ my club safe and off the radar. You’ve practically shoved us under the microscope!” Another pause. “You listen to me, you son of a bitch. The only reason I’m not goin’ to war with you is because one of my men is claimin’ the girl. She wants her sister back, so we’ll do that. But, understand me, anyone -- and I mean anyone -- comes after Mae once we have her, I will bring hellfire and the Holy Ghost down on you so hard you’ll wish your friends had gotten ahold of you first.” With that, Thorn ended the call.

  “Sounded like that went well,” Havoc drawled. “Thought we weren’t gettin’ involved?”

  “Fuckin’ bastard forced my hand.” Thorn looked at Torpedo. “Any word from Data?” It had been several days since they started their hunt. Their brothers in Bones MC in Kentucky had come in handy with their resources. Vicious was also glad he’d had this time to gain Lucy’s trust. He still had a long way to go, but he’d coaxed a few smiles and even a little laughter from her. The sound was so magical he found he was living for that fucking sound. It was pathetic, and if his brothers ever found out he’d never hear the end of it.

  “Expecting something any time now. They’re tryin’ to confirm, but, once he brought Azriel in from Shadow Demons, they think they know who’s got Mae, and why they’re after El Diablo.”

  Thorn raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”

  Vicious shrugged. “That’s what he says. Won’t speculate, though. Says he needs to be sure before accusing anyone. Apparently, this is some serious shit El Diablo’s into.”

  “He’s a killer for hire! How much more serious can it get?”

  “Pretty serious. Data says even Azriel is upset about this one. Some kind of untouchable group or somethin’. He won’t say more than that.”

  “He say how much longer he needed?”

  “Couple of days?”

  “How much time do we have before they start sending Mae back in pieces? I mean, do we have any idea where they’re holding her? ‘Cause I’m sure your woman wants her back whole.”

  “None. Whoever took her got away clean. Even Data can’t find exactly where and when they took her. These guys are good.”

  Thorn’s gaze hardened. “We’ve got to be better. Havoc, make sure everything is ready to roll once we know where to go. When we find these fucks, I want to send a message.”

  “Anything in particular?” Havoc leaned against the wall, idly cleaning under his nails with a knife.

  “Yeah. I want them to understand they don’t strike out at women and children to get at their enemies. If they’ve harmed Mae in any way, I want every single last mother fucker dead.”

  A satisfied calm fell over Vicious. This was one order he could and would follow to the letter.

  After their meeting was over, Vicious headed back to his room. He’d left Lucy there by herself. She’d been pretty much locked in there for the better part of a week. Not only was she beginning to feel pinned in, she was growing ever anxious about her sister. Fortunately, he had proof-of-life photos for her El Diablo had sent. Data had done some super-secret computer-geek stuff and determined they were legitimate and not some fabricated images designed to mislead them. As of twelve hours earlier, Mae was alive and well. They’d taken pictures of her riding a horse. She’d been all smiles and seemed oblivious to the fact she was in danger. They had no idea who she was with or where she was, but Data and Azriel were both doing everything they could to figure it out. Unless something had changed after that photo -- which was entirely possible -- at least the girl seemed oblivious to the danger she was in. Hopefully, that would ease Lucy’s mind until they had a working plan.

  With that in mind, Vicious headed back to his room. The music hit him long before he reached his door. It was a strange mix of hip-hop and funk or soul. A slow, sensual number but not a normal ballad. This music was specifically crafted for seduction. Carefully, he opened the door…

  And nearly fell to his knees.

  In the middle of the room, Lucrecia… danced. Her hips snapped occasionally side to side or front to back with the beat of the music. Other times, she swayed, turning her body around and around, giving glimpses of her luscious curves. She was dressed in a tight-fitting tank and boy shorts. Not underwear, but tight fitting, as if she didn’t want them getting in her way and needed the freedom of movement.

  She was oblivious to his presence, which Vicious was grateful for. He had a feeling that, if she knew he was watching her, she’d stop. Nothing in this world could make him announce his presence if it meant she stopped moving. There was a grace to her eroticism, one that spoke of training in more than exotic dancing. This woman knew what she was about. Which begged the question, why was she practicing?

  Vicious shut the door softly, not wanting to give away his presence. She continued to move, her body a lesson in erotic movement. Every turn of her wrist, every snap of her hips seemed designed to drive a man fuckin’ wild.

  She stumbled slightly and Vicious thought she’d probably noticed him in the room. The stumble wasn’t overt, but just that little pause in the fluidity of her movements. Swearing softly, she stopped before repeating the movement several times. Then she repeated it again, this time adding a few steps before and after it. Once completed, she did it again, this time continuing. If this was her stripper routine -- and, really, what else could she use it for? -- it was far more than he’d ever suspected went into something like an exotic dance. She was obviously so engrossed she wasn’t paying attention to anything around her, even the fact that she was no longer alone.

  The dance continued as if nothing had been amiss. So lovely. Lustful. A dance so seductive it was all Vicious could do not to go to her.

  Lucy. His Lucy. She was more than any woman he’d ever known. So beautiful. Innocent, yet passionate. No woman could dance like that and not need a man as desperately as she made him need her. Her every movement, though understated, seemed calculated to entice a man to madness. Vicious was sure that, if he watched her for long, he’d give her anything she wanted if she’d just let him have her.

  Absently, Vicious sat in a chair situated in the corner next to the window. He watched as her dance increa
sed in speed. It was as if the more aroused she became, the faster she moved. Her expression was one of ecstasy, her eyes half closed as she moved around the room. So graceful and beautiful. Nothing he’d ever witnessed was as beautiful as this woman in this moment.

  He did his best not to make a sound, but the moment she started shedding clothing, he knew he was in trouble. She wasn’t obvious about it. One second, she wore a garment, the next it fluttered to the floor at her feet. The woman had the most beautiful breasts he’d ever seen. Perfectly formed and topped with dusky pink nipples, they called to him. Beckoned him to touch. Taste. Her torso rippled with fine muscle, as if she’d been honed by the dancing she did. Twirling around several times, she let her bottoms fall to her ankles. With one deft kick, they landed in the corner next to the bathroom. The move was effortless, as though she’d done it countless times and perfected not only the placement of garment, but the ease with which she put it there.

  Once completely nude, she raised her arms over her head and moved in a circle, her hips leading the movement with little twists and snaps. Her body undulated in abandon. A little smile graced her face along with a look something like euphoria. Unless Vicious was mistaken, Lucy got a kind of high from dancing. She didn’t even need an audience. Just the music.

  And her very nude body.

  She continued to dance, completely oblivious to the fact she wasn’t alone in the room. Vicious continued to watch in rapt fascination, hardly daring to breathe lest he give away his presence and break the spell.

  The door to his room opened, and Thorn stepped inside. “Holy shit!”

  Immediately, Vicious was on his feet, putting his body between Lucy and Thorn. “What the fuck?” he bit out as softly as he could at his long-time friend. “Knock first, you bastard!” He tried not to draw Lucy’s attention, but it was far too late, thanks to Thorn’s less-than-subtle entrance. She’d already become aware of them and, worse, let out a distressed cry before heading to the bathroom. “Goddamnit, Thorn,” Vicious snarled.

  “Hey, sorry, brother.” Thorn raised his hands in surrender. “Didn’t know you were having a private party.”

  “Ain’t. Now get the fuck out.”

  “Just wanted to invite the little lady downstairs for the cookout.” He raised an eyebrow. “We good?”

  “Depends. You gonna make a play for her?”

  Thorn grinned. “Not likely. I’m a mean, tough son of a bitch, but I’m not suicidal.”

  Vicious nodded satisfied. Then stopped. “Wait. What exactly does that mean?”

  “It means, brother, I ain’t fightin’ you over a woman. Especially not one you’re so far gone over.”

  “What the fuck’er you talkin’ about? I’m not gone. I just don’t want anyone taking advantage. She’s not like the women here.”

  “Oh, believe me. I’m fully aware. If any of our club girls could move like that, we’d be havin’ parties all the Goddamned time. That girl’s got talent.”

  “Get the fuck out.” Vicious wanted to pound his friend, but it would only play into Thorn’s hands. The chuckle from Thorn said the man was, indeed, trying to make him snap just to prove his point. Vicious could deny it to himself and Lucy all he wanted, but in his mind, Vicious had already claimed the tiny little dancer currently hiding out in his bathroom.

  Well, fuck.

  * * *

  Oh, God. Oh, God! She was so fucked. There was no way she could fight either of them off and definitely not both of them together. She’d locked the door, but there was no doubt in her mind either of them could break in and drag her out. Thank God she’d intended to shower later and left a T-shirt and underwear in the bathroom.

  There was a soft knock at the door. “Lucy. It’s OK. Open the door.”

  “I’m not coming out there,” she said, her voice wobbling.

  “Yes. You are. Now, please. Open up.”

  “I shouldn’t have been practicing.” That part was her fault. “If I gave you the wrong impression, I’m sorry. I don’t do anything but dance.”

  “Woman, has anyone made a move on you?”

  She opened her mouth but closed it almost immediately. “Well, no.”

  “Then give me the benefit of the doubt, girl.”

  “You slept with me.”

  “Yeah. And did we do anything other than sleep? Did I touch you inappropriately?”

  Why did he have to be so reasonable? She had a right to be upset! With that calm, soothing tone he used, she found her anxiety melting away. Yeah. Vicious might have a scary name, but the man wasn’t a bad guy. At least, not to her.

  Lucy opened the door a crack to see Vicious looking down at her. She was surprised to see a concerned look on his face. Like he didn’t like that she’d been distressed.

  “You OK? I’m not gonna let anyone here hurt you.” He shook his head as if what he said wasn’t exactly what he intended to say. “Ain’t lettin’ no one anywhere hurt you.” Lucy thought it was telling that he qualified the statement before she’d even mentioned it.

  “It’s fine. I shouldn’t have been practicing like that. Especially not a full, er, undress rehearsal.” She tried to use humor to defuse the situation. “I just… it’s soothing.” She looked at her feet. “Sometimes.”

  He pushed the door open the rest of the way and held out his hand for her. “Come back in here. We’ll talk.”

  “What if I don’t want to talk?”

  His lips quirked as if he found her amusing. “We’ll talk anyway. Come on.”

  With a sigh, Lucy took his hand. It swallowed her smaller one like an adult taking a child’s hand. Given her interaction with him before when he’d insisted on talking with her in the bed, in his arms, she fully expected him to insist they do the same now. But he didn’t. There was no reason to, and he obviously wasn’t trying to make her uncomfortable. Instead, he led her to the couch before taking a chair across from her.

  “Look at me, Lucy.” She thought about being stubborn, but she knew she’d never win a battle of wills with him. When she raised her head, she met those harsh, dark eyes of his. Who wouldn’t be intimidated by this man? He was big, scary, and so very intense. When he looked at her, Lucy got the impression he could see straight through her soul. “No one is going to make you do anything you don’t want to do. You walk out into the common room naked or dancing like you were, I guarantee you’ll get cat calls, and whistles, and probably get hit on, but no one is going to touch you if you don’t want to be touched. And no one will ridicule you for teasing them. More likely, they’ll throw money at you to keep it up just so they can see that lovely little body of yours.”

  OK, that really shouldn’t have sounded as good as it did. Not that she wanted strange men looking at her -- she’d never really thought about it after the first couple times she’d danced. Oh, no. She found she loved the fact that he thought she had a lovely body. Him. Vicious. No one else.

  He cleared his throat. “So, if you need to dance, you can do it for me. I’ll make sure no one can interrupt us, and you’ll know no one will be able to get past me to get to you. Sound reasonable?”

  Yes. Totally. “Are you kidding me? No, it’s not reasonable!”

  “You need to dance? That’s the only way it’s happenin’.” His face was hard, and Lucy knew he meant business.

  “Then I won’t do it at all.” She was being stubborn, but there was no way in hell she was going to agree to this. Not now. She’d been there before, and it hadn’t been that bad, but there was no way lightning could strike twice. There were only so many times one could bait a tiger.

  “Yes. You will. In fact, I insist on it.”

  “Is this a condition of my sanctuary?”

  “Nope.” He grinned at her. “Just gratitude on your part for me allowing you the comfort of my room instead of putting you in a smaller one in the middle of all the club girls.”

  “I’ll be perfectly fine in a room of my own! Why would you think I wouldn’t be?”

  “Never s
aid it was for your benefit. It’s a luxury for you. Not something you need or even want, but a definite upgrade.”

  “Oh? Well, the price is too steep --”

  “It’s for my benefit you stay here. And you’re going to dance for me, because I happen to think you enjoy it just enough to wonder what my reaction would be if you gave me a full performance.”

  She started to say something then shut her mouth. Finally, she shook her head. “You’ve lost your mind.”

  “Have I?” He raised an eyebrow at her. “Then why are you blushing so becomingly? I think you want to dance for me. You like the idea that you can trust me not to take advantage of the situation, but are just scared enough to wonder if I’m lying.” His grin was positively wicked. “And I think it turns you on.”

  “OK. That’s it. I’m leaving now.”

  “You could,” he said, still not letting go of her hand. In fact, he rubbed it lightly, his big, rough hands playing gently over her delicate skin. “Or you could live on the wild side. Think of it. You’ll have a rapt audience every single night.”

  “And you’ll just let me go to bed alone.”

  “Oh, hell no,” he responded instantly. “I already told you. Couch ain’t as comfortable as the bed, and I’m gonna be comfortable. So are you. We’ll sleep together in that big bed. You might even feel my hard cock nestling between the cheeks of your ass when I pull your body against mine, but you’re going to sleep in that bed with me. I’m going to torture myself because I like knowing you’re within arm’s reach. And, when you wake up in the morning, we’ll go about our business in front of the club. No one will know we’re not having sex and, therefore, no one will hit on you whether you flirt with them or not.”

  “I still don’t understand why we have to sleep in the same bed.”

  “Did you hear Thorn knock before entering my room?”

  She blinked. “Well, no. But I wasn’t exactly paying attention.”

  “Sweetheart, you didn’t hear him because he didn’t fuckin’ knock. And the doors ain’t got locks on ‘em.”