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Vicious (Salvation's Bane MC 1): A Bones MC Romance Page 6
Vicious (Salvation's Bane MC 1): A Bones MC Romance Read online
Page 6
With a groan and way more strength than he’d ever thought he possessed, he ended the kiss, pulling her tightly to him so that her breasts were mashed against his chest. “Goddamn,” he whispered, looking around him to make sure his brothers had the women firmly in hand. He didn’t want any of them near him or Lucy. That would come tomorrow. After she sobered up and felt like it. Looked like her first day at work would have to wait.
He found Thorn’s gaze, and the other man grinned and nodded at him. “I’ll tell the boys to fend for themselves tomorrow. Look after your wayward girl, there.”
Lucy looked up at him just as he shifted her into his arms to carry her back to the clubhouse. “I need you to fuck me, Vicious,” she whispered. “So much. Please.”
“Shhh, baby. I’ll take care of you tonight.”
He groaned. “Every fuckin’ day, baby.”
* * *
Every step back to his room was agony for Vicious. The woman in his arms squirmed, mashing her bare breasts against him. Skin met skin where his shirt was partially unbuttoned, and every time she slid against him he nearly fell to his knees. God, he wanted her! He’d been fighting his attraction since that first meeting, but this was too fucking much. Her slim arms were wrapped around him, and she kissed and sucked at the skin of his neck. Every pull, every lap of her sweet little tongue made his cock throb and ache. How the fuck was he going to get through this with his honor intact?
“Vicious,” she purred. “Take me’da bed or lossse me fore’er.” She giggled.
“God,” he growled. “You’re some more temptation, girl. Why the fuck’d you drink so much?” Thank God he recognized the Top Gun reference to help him remember how drunk she was.
She giggled again. “Jus’ a li’l sas’prilla.” He kicked the door to his room shut and gently set her on her feet. Naturally, she swayed slightly, her harm shooting out to grip his shoulder. “Woah.”
“Yeah, baby. I know. Here. Let’s get you to the bathroom.”
Surprisingly, Lucy wasn’t as unsteady as he’d feared. After that moment he’d first put her on her feet, she’d regained her equilibrium. As if she just realized she was naked from the waist up, she gasped, covering her breasts with her arms. Watching her come out of the haze around her was heartbreaking.
“Oh, God,” she groaned. She braced one hand on the sink and leaned against the vanity. “Oh, God!”
“Relax, sweetheart.” Vicious tried his best to soothe her, knowing she was starting to wake up from the adrenaline rush. The alcohol would fade much slower, unfortunately.
“Relax? Oh, God!” Her knees buckled. Thankfully, Vicious was close enough to catch her. “What have I done?”
“Nothing that awful,” he murmured. “Nothing no one else didn’t do. You just did it better.” He tried to grin at her, but was very much afraid it came out a predator’s smile.
She looked up at him, a scowl on her lovely, exotic face. “Oh, really? Everyone else stripped and danced around the fire naked?”
“‘Course they did. This is a biker club. A biker party. Hell, most everyone who was still there when we left was busy fuckin’ where anyone around could see. Much worse’n dancin’ topless around the bonfire.”
The smile he’d hoped to coax from her didn’t happen. Instead, she just ducked her head, one arm still covering her breasts, her slim shoulders shaking.
“Can you get undressed and into the shower? Do you need help?”
“No! I mean, I’m good. Thanks.”
Right. “Don’t be afraid of me doin’ somethin’ you don’t want. I ain’t a good guy by no means, but I swear you’re safe with me.”
“Really. I’m fine.”
She wasn’t. He could see that but there was nothing he could do. “I’m leavin’ the door partially open. Ain’t tryin’ to spy on you or anything, just don’t want you fallin’ or callin’ out and me not hearin’ you.” She glanced back over her shoulder but said nothing. “I’ll get you some clothes, then we can go to bed.”
“I can’t --”
“Just take your shower, baby. Long and hot as you need.”
“Aren’t drunks supposed to take cold showers?”
“Na. All you get from that is a cold, wet, wide-awake drunk. Best thing to do is to sleep it off. To do that, you need someone watching over you in case you get sick.”
“Great,” she muttered.
“Take your time. I’ll check on you in a few minutes.”
Lucy listened as his footsteps faded before she stepped into the shower and adjusted the temperature. It was no wonder she was in the situation she was in. She knew better than to drink like that, especially when she was in a strange environment. Looking back, she’d known the women were forcing liquor on her. They wanted to see where her boundaries were. Well, they’d definitely found them. Oh, she could have refused, but it would have been just as bad. She’d been fucked either way.
Oh well. It was done. No use crying about it now. She’d just have to hope Vicious could keep the other men off her. Assuming he didn’t jump her himself.
No. That wasn’t right. If he wanted to jump her, he definitely would have done it when she was busy throwing herself at him. She could still taste the salty spice of his skin where she’d licked and sucked. He’d been nothing but kind to her when she’d begged him to fuck her.
The room still spun slightly so she had to sit on the long bench in the big shower, but at least she could think somewhat clearly. The hot water hitting her body felt like heaven, and it wasn’t long before she just laid her head back on the shower wall and closed her eyes.
The next thing she knew, the water was turned off, and someone wrapped a big, fluffy towel around her. She was lifted and set on the vanity top.
“Let’s get you dry, girl. Then I’ll put you to bed.”
“Vicious?” Her eyes were so heavy. The hot shower had definitely done its work. “Please don’t hurt me.”
“Baby, nothing in the world could make me hurt you, or let anyone else. Rest easy. I’ll watch over you.”
She let him help dress her then help her climb into bed. He must have put her in one of his shirts because his scent surrounded her, and it was the most comforting thing she’d ever smelled. The last thing she remembered was him settling his body around hers, his strong arms closing around her securely.
* * *
“Fuuuuuck.” Lucy groaned as she rolled over. Her mouth tasted like three-day-old shit, and her head was splitting. Her stomach was queasy, but she didn’t think she was going to puke just yet. She sat up and carefully swung her legs over the side of the bed. “Fuuuuuck.”
“Yeah, baby. Got that the first time.”
Her head snapped up to see a grinning Vicious approaching her with a bottle of Gatorade and another of Ibuprofen. “Take this. Drink all the Gatorade.”
Lucy knew better than to hesitate. She’d likely pushed him to the end of his patience. Rycks might have taken care with her after the kind of stunt she’d pulled last night, but he’d definitely have no tolerance for her shirking her duties. She doubted Vicious would any better.
“What time is it?”
“Eleven? Didn’t look before I came over here.”
“Oh, shit! Eleven? I’ve got to get to the kitchen!” She jumped up, and her stomach promptly heaved. Eyes wide, she looked up at Vicious before sprinting to the bathroom, skidding to a stop on her knees just before she threw up. The scent of whisky and beer combined with sour bile made her even sicker. Lucy was violently ill for several minutes, her grip on the toilet so tight it was a wonder she didn’t crack the porcelain. Sweat stood out on her brow, dripping into her eyes as she was sick over and over again.
Gradually, her stomach calmed down, and she collapsed back on her ass in the floor. A wet washcloth appeared in front of her face, and she took it gratefully. That was when she realized his arm was around her, rubbing her arm soothingly.
“Gotta wat
ch that first step, baby.”
Despite herself, Lucy chuckled. “Yeah. Figured that one out. I still need to get to the kitchen. Thorn will be pissed and take away my job before I get the chance to do it.”
“I told you I’d take care of you, baby. Thorn’s good. You start tomorrow.”
“I did this to myself. Why’d you bother?” She still felt shaky, and her voice reflected that. Tears still streamed down her cheeks though she was getting better control. The cool cloth he’d given her felt like heaven as she ran it over her face and neck.
“You didn’t do it all. The girls were testing you.”
“I know that.” She sighed. “Went through the same thing at Black Reign. It’s a no-win test. I thought I could pace myself, but they made sure there was always a drink in my hand and a reason to down it quickly.”
“Well, if it’s any consolation, you put them all in their place. Every single one of them got laid last night, but not for the reasons they wanted to.”
“Great. That makes me feel so much better, Vicious.” She started to get up, but he held her down, chuckling.
“Calm down. I’m just sayin’ I guarantee the girls’ actions backfired on them. Ain’t no reason to fear the guys. No one’s gonna do anything to you.”
“I’m so fucked.”
“Here.” He handed her the bottle of Gatorade he’d brought for her earlier. “If you think you can keep it down.”
“Yeah. Just moved too fast.” She sipped several times before taking a larger drink.
“I’m good.” Was she? Maybe. Oh, well. What’s done is done. She’d just have to move forward and put it behind her. If the women let her.
“Uh-huh.” He grinned. “Come on. Let’s take some more pills and get something in your stomach.”
“Not sure I can handle food.”
“Then we’ll get you a Bloody Mary or something.”
“How about maybe just some V8 juice? I’m never drinking again.”
“That’s good to know. Maybe my pizza and beer will be safe from sticky fingers.”
Lucy couldn’t help herself. She let out a small bark of laughter. “Yeah. I’ll consider the six-pack off limits. I make no promises about the pizza.”
Chapter Six
The next few days passed uneventfully for Lucy. She had a couple hiccups with the meals -- mainly the guys expected hotdogs and hamburgers and nothing else. Once she got them interested in a few other things involving meat, they were all good. They balked at chicken as meat, but she finally won them over. Fish, as long as it was deep fried and accompanied by baked beans, mashed potatoes, and mac and cheese was acceptable as well. Mornings were simple. Coffee mostly. Until the men started rising earlier and earlier, wondering what she could come up with for breakfast.
To her relief, the incident at the bonfire was forgotten quickly. Or, at least, no one seemed to make a big deal out of it. More than one of the women asked where she learned to dance like that, but mostly they just dismissed her. Could have been because, as late as she’d been the next morning, she’d noticed every single one of the other women was missing until nearly suppertime. Apparently, the sex had been quite vigorous and plentiful the night before.
Vicious had kept to himself except at night. Then, he was the one dragging her to his room. He insisted they get ready for bed together, and he always made a point to kiss her the second they were in his room. Sometimes, he did so where everyone could see them, but she figured that was all part of the act. Also, not only did he insist they sleep together, but he insisted they… cuddle. He always looked so disgruntled about it, but when she called him out, he just grunted and pulled her closer. Always, always, his very hard cock was mashed between the cheeks of her ass. Had she not been attracted to him she might have objected. Hell, even if she wasn’t attracted to him she might have allowed it because it felt that good. She’d never slept with anyone other than her sister. Then, it was mostly her dozing and watching over Mae. Not really sleeping. What she had with Vicious now felt amazing. Logically, she knew he didn’t feel the same way. This was the first time she’d ever had anything like this in her life, and naturally she’d latched on to the big biker. But she’d take what she could get as long as she could get it.
“Not gonna be back tonight, Lucy.” Vicious stood at the closet. He’d just zipped up his backpack and shouldered it when she’d entered the room. “I’ll try to call you later if I can. If not, you stay here until I get back.”
“But I have to do breakfast --”
“Stay. Here.” His voice brooked no argument. “Don’t leave this room until I come for you.”
“Am I in danger?”
“Then I don’t see --”
“Just do what I tell you, girl,” he snapped. This wasn’t like him at all. He’d never spoken to her harshly other than that first time he’d met her. Even that wasn’t like this. “You’re in my house. You follow my rules.” He wasn’t exactly cruel sounding, but she knew better than to argue with him. The contrast between his tenderness at night and the coldness with which he treated her during the day and now was disconcerting. This Vicious she wasn’t necessarily afraid of, but she knew to proceed with caution when dealing with him.
For long moments she just looked at him. When she could find her voice, she asked, “Have I done something wrong?”
“No,” he said immediately, turning back to the closet to grab a few more items and stuff them in the various pockets of his cargo pants and vest.
“Fine,” she said, turning to the bathroom to get dressed for bed. She shut the door more firmly than strictly necessary, but damnit, he’d pissed her off. Worse, this distance hurt her. Which pissed her off even more because she knew better than to care about him in the first damned place.
Once dressed, she reached for the door handle only to have the door open before she could. Vicious stood there, dressed in black. Grease paint even streaked his cheeks as if for camouflage. She had no idea what else it could be for.
Instead of saying anything, she gave him a quick glance then moved past him into the room. If he was going to act like an ass, she’d ignore him. She went to the small table he’d set up for her personal space. Sitting down, she took her hairbrush and began to work through her hair. The curls were always difficult on the best of days, but, strangely, the ritual of ridding herself of the tangles calmed her mind. She closed her eyes and concentrated on her task.
Lucy felt a gentle hand on her shoulder but refused to acknowledge it. The touch was so at odds with the gruff way Vicious had spoken to her she wondered if maybe there was someone else in the room. But over the past few days, she’d learned his touch. His scent. There was no mistaking the man behind her.
“I’m sorry.” His gruff apology was simple, but she knew he meant it. Didn’t mean she was ready to let him off the hook.
“It’s fine.” She continued to pull the brush slowly through her hair even as she shrugged her indifference.
“Look at me, Lucy.”
“Nothing to apologize for. You got your business. I’ll just stay here and deal with mine.”
“I can’t tell you what’s goin’ on, but it’s important.”
“I told you it’s fine. You don’t have to explain anything to me.”
He gave a frustrated sigh. “Just… don’t leave this room.”
“Already got that,” she bit out, sharper than she should have, but this was getting old. Also, the dual personalities bit was getting to her. Messing with her head. “Just get done what you have to so I can get to work. I don’t want Thorn kicking me out for not pulling my weight.”
She almost felt bad for leaving it at that, but really. What was there to say?
With a heavy sigh, Vicious dropped his hand. She heard his footfalls headed away from her, then he opened and shut the door. It was all Lucy could do not to cry. She wanted the tender man who held her each night. The man who’d saved her from herself and prom
ised to get her sister back. It was time to face facts. It was entirely possible that man was nothing more than a fairytale.
* * *
“All set?” Thorn looked at the group from Salvation’s Bane getting ready for the extraction. Vicious had seen that look enough times to know the man was going over every last detail in his head one last time before putting the plan into action. Tonight, they’d bring Mae back to Lucy. Hopefully, with no one the wiser. Vicious had hated keeping this from Lucy, but no one but the team was to know what was going on. This was to be done in strict secrecy. Because Mae was being held in the home of a prominent resident of Palm Beach, on orders from someone in his corporate office. Thing was, both Data and Ripper were convinced the buck didn’t stop there. Someone was pulling the strings. Someone bigger and related to Rush Developments.
“Ready, brother,” Carnage answered. As road captain, he was in charge of the move. Their backup and mechanic if anything went awry was Tool. He had the chase vehicle already set up close to their mark. If they needed out in a hurry, he had diversions set up to create a spectacle big enough to draw a crowd from three counties over. It would likely draw law enforcement, so they’d have to move fast, but then, that was what diversions were for. To let them move fast.
“Ripper has already hacked into the security system. He’s just waiting for the word from us to flip the switch. Once he does, we’ll have fifteen minutes to get in, get the girl, and get out. Do not deviate from that plan. When I say time’s up, we pull the plug. Whether or not we have the girl. No one is gettin’ caught in this mess.”
Vicious wanted to protest but knew better. This was why Thorn was president. He always had the club’s best interest at heart. If it got too personal, he stepped back and let Havoc take over. Tonight, it was Thorn, Vicious, Carnage, and Tool. Ripper was on intel back at the clubhouse. Tool was basically the lookout, and Vicious and Carnage the team going in. Which left Thorn leading it all and backing up Tool if necessary. Beast, the club’s enforcer, was at the clubhouse monitoring everything with Ripper and making sure the clubhouse and everyone inside was secure. No one left tonight. No matter what.