Vicious (Salvation’s Bane 1) Read online

Page 8

  Rycks had two darts in hand and stabbed his attacker in the shoulder once, then in the side of the neck. The neck shot got the guy to stumble back, and Rycks took advantage, kicking out and knocking the guy into a tree.

  Just as Vicious thought his team had the upper hand, Thorn came over the radio. “Three more on you in ten.”

  “We’re not gonna be able to get out of here without killin’ someone, Thorn,” Vicious admitted. “These guys are going for the kill. This is some real bullshit right here.”

  “Take ‘em out. We’re on our way to you.”

  That was all the permission Vicious needed. Ten seconds later, three guys burst from the dark. He pulled his knife and went to work.

  Chapter Seven


  If ever the term applied, it was now. Vicious got the first guy on him in the side of the neck, stabbing several times in rapid succession. The next guy was ready for him, going low, trying to catch Vicious in the thigh. He twisted away and stabbed the attacker in the side under his armpit just above his vest. He and Carnage were mindful of Rycks with their small, frightened charge and did their best to keep themselves between the other man and the oncoming bogies.

  He should have known Rycks wouldn’t hunker down with Mae. He put her on her side against the tree and covered her with his vest. Fucker left himself wide open with no protection. Apparently, Rycks was hoping their attackers didn’t have the same scruples as Bane did about using guns so the whole fucking neighborhood wouldn’t hear them. Well, he’d be shit outa luck if anyone had suppressed firepower. Hell. With this many hostiles, they all would.

  More and more men came at them until all three of them were covered in blood from the elbows down. The ground around them was littered with bodies and still more came at them.

  “Guy has a fuckin’ army!” Carnage muttered as he slammed a knife into the throat of a guy he’d just body slammed to the ground. “Investment banker my fuckin’ ass.”

  “Didn’t come from the investment banker, dumbass.” Rycks grunted as another guy attacked him. He went low, slashing deep in a diagonal up the guy’s inner thigh before stabbing under his armpit several times in brutal thrusts.

  “I’ll kill you myself if you’ve held back from us,” Thorn’s voice came over the radio almost on top of the clipped snap snap of a suppressed rifle. That would be Thorn’s group. The two guys closest to Vicious and Carnage dropped. Both of them clean head shots.

  “Not holdin’ back. You guys knew this guy was a middleman.” Rycks jumped on the next attacker, pulled back his head and slid his knife smoothly and deeply across the guy’s throat. Blood spurted when he hit the artery, arcing through the air and onto the ground.

  Two more shots took out two more attackers while Carnage and Vicious took the last two. They stood there several seconds, catching their breath and making sure there were no more sleepers.

  “We’re too exposed here,” he muttered. They had no battle helmets and weren’t protected at all from headshots even a whack to the head. If there was a sniper out there -- and they’d be foolish to believe there wasn’t -- they were sitting ducks.

  “She OK?” Carnage asked Rycks. Mae hadn’t made a sound, still huddled under Rycks’s vest. The big man was crouched above the girl, coaxing her to sit and look at him.

  “Still in shock,” he muttered. “We’ve got to get her out of here. Now.”

  When he stood, Vicious could see Rycks covered in blood across his torso. Looked like most of it wasn’t his own, but he had numerous scratches and deeper lacerations over his chest and arms. A couple on his face as well.

  “Way’s clear,” Thorn said. “We’re just ahead of you. Get back to the cage. We’ll cover you.”

  “Might want to send in a cleaner,” Vicious snarled as he picked up Rycks’s vest and hurried after him and the girl. “Left a fuckin’ mess down here.”

  “Already on the way.” That was Ripper. “Havoc and Beast are gettin’ a team together. I’ve jammed 9-1-1 calls from this area, but so far no one seems to be the wiser. Should have the place spick and span by morning.”

  “Good,” Thorn said. “Make sure they don’t leave the clubhouse unprotected. Don’t want these bastards coming after us.”

  “Got it covered, Top.”

  Ten minutes later, they were at the drop-off site, cleaning blood off them as best they could. Thankfully, they always had a change of clothing packed for everyone just in case something went sideways.

  They didn’t have much for Mae. A pair of sweats and socks to go with Rycks’s shirt was about all they could manage. Rycks was talking to her quietly. She stood on her feet, her arms wrapped around herself. That she was standing on her own was a good sign, Vicious thought. When Rycks put a helmet on her, though, Vicious shook his head.

  “Not happening, Rycks. She rides in the cage with us.”

  Rycks didn’t acknowledge him, just continued to speak softly to Mae as he threaded her arms through his leather jacket. No patch, naturally. They didn’t want to be identified.

  “Put her in the truck. Now.”

  Mae whimpered at his tone and flinched back. Rycks put his hands on her shoulders gently, bending down so he could look at her face. When he stood, he ushered her to his bike. “I’m taking her back with me.”

  “Like fuckin’ hell,” Vicious snapped. “The deal was, we do this, she comes with us. Lucy wants her sister back.”

  Rycks turned on him, advancing. There was no doubt he was ready to fight over this. A fight just as brutal and bloody as the one they were just in. “That was before I saw how traumatized she is.”

  “And you think Black Reign is the best place for her?”

  “I do. She’ll feel safe there.”

  Thorn shut the tailgate of the truck and pulled the top down. “Didn’t she get taken from the Black Reign compound?”

  There was silence. A muscle in Rycks’s jaw ticked.

  “Yeah. Put her in the fuckin’ truck. Tell El Diablo she’s safe and get your ass back where you belong.”

  “I’m not leaving her.” The steel in his voice matched Thorn’s.

  “Follow if you want. But you ain’t gettin’ in our house. You weren’t invited to this party.”

  “You needed me, Thorn. Still do.”

  “No. I don’t. Any help you could have given came before all this happened. Had you told us more about what we were facing, we might have come up with a better plan.”

  “I was under orders not to!” He sounded like he was becoming desperate. “Look. These people are the most dangerous I’ve ever met. El Diablo was high in their ranks before he left, El Segador a top-level enforcer. Both international. It’s why El Diablo didn’t come for his daughter sooner. When they left, both knew there would be repercussions. They are trying to keep those to a minimum for everyone’s sake.”

  “Ain’t got time for this,” Thorn said as he strode toward Mae and Rycks, pulling his gun as he went. “Get her in the truck. Now. You don’t, I kill you and do it myself. One more body ain’t gonna mean nothing to me at this point.”

  Vicious knew Thorn would do it, too. Kill Rycks and to hell with the whole of Black Reign. After holding his gaze for several moments, Rycks finally turned back to Mae and removed the helmet.

  “These men are going to take you to Lucy. I need you to go with them.”

  Mae whimpered, her whole body starting to tremble again. With a sigh, Rycks picked her up in his arms and carried her to the truck, setting her in the middle of the back seat and fastening her seat belt.

  Vicious thought he heard Mae whimper, “Please don’t leave me, Rycks. I’ll be good. What you tell me.” The big man didn’t answer her. Just cupped her face gently before pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

  “Anything more happens to her, you will answer to me,” he said, meeting Thorn’s gaze. “Only reason I’m agreeing to this is I’m not at all certain I can safely keep her on the bike.”

  “She’s ours to protect, Rycks,
” Vicious snarled. “Lucy’s family is my family. You’re the one who let this happen in the first place.”

  For the briefest moment, Rycks looked… devastated? There was a pain so deep Vicious might have only imagined he saw it. It was obvious he cared for the girl in some way, but it was hard to determine his relationship with Mae. He’d been gentle with her, but like that of a guardian. Not of a lover. Which was good. Mae was only seventeen. If he’d claimed the girl that way, Vicious would have to kill him.

  “Believe me, Vicious,” he said quietly. “No one is more aware of that than I.” Rycks turned and got on his bike, starting it up and speeding off into the night.

  “We gotta move,” Thorn said.

  Vicious got in the truck beside Mae, careful to keep his movements slow so he didn’t startle the already terrified girl. “Everything’s gonna be all right,” Vicious told her as they sped off. “I’m gonna get you to Lucy, and everything will be good.”

  “No, it won’t,” Mae surprised him by saying softly. “Nothing will ever be good again.” Had he not been a badass, that might have broken his heart. As it was, Vicious merely grunted, patting her hand awkwardly.

  * * *

  The soft knock at her door brought Lucy out of a fitful sleep. She’d broken down slightly after Vicious had left. She’d shed a few tears but, really, what was there to cry over? It wasn’t like they had a chance at a happily ever after. He was protecting her, like she’d wanted, until they found her sister. Then it was over. They’d leave. She had no idea where they’d go, but they couldn’t stay with either club. Black Reign didn’t care about them, and Salvation’s Bane was too close to Vicious. Because, once this was done, she knew he’d move on.

  She opened the door and found Thorn there. “Hi,” she said inanely.

  “You look tired,” he said with a concerned expression. Looked like he was a bit uncomfortable being there. “You OK?”

  “Fine. What’s up?” She knew she sounded clipped, but she’d learned that was really the only way to deal with bikers.

  “We got your sister,” he said softly.

  “Oh my God, really? Is she OK?”

  He hesitated. “She’s been traumatized, Lucy. I have no idea how or what exactly was done to her, but she needs care.”

  “Where is she?” She stepped out of the room.

  “I’ll take you.”

  “Wait,” she put a hand on his arm. “Where’s Vicious? Did he help?”

  “He did. I think he and Carnage are cleaning up and taking care of their wounds. I’m sure he’ll come get you later.”

  “Wounds? Oh, God! What happened?” She was becoming alarmed. She knew her sister needed her, but did Vicious need her, too? And what would she do if he did? She couldn’t abandon her sister, and it sounded like Mae needed her more than she ever had.

  “Ran into trouble we didn’t expect. Fortunately, Rycks insisted on joining the party and they had help they wouldn’t have. Still wasn’t pretty, but that’s not for you. Let me take you to your sister.”


  Thorn just grunted.

  He led her to a room two doors down and opened it. Inside, in a bed on the far side of the room away from the windows, Mae was under several layers of quilts, curled in a ball. Her eyes were open, and she stared at Lucy in wide-eyed fear for a few seconds until she finally realized who was in the room with her. Thorn laid a gentle hand on Lucy’s shoulder.

  “She’s been through more than we’d first thought. Rycks was the only one she responded to. She didn’t want him to leave her.” Thorn sighed before adding, “He wanted to take her back to Black Reign, but we wouldn’t let him. I know you want Mae with you, but I’m not sure that it’s not a good idea. At least until she heals.”

  Lucy winced. This was it. He was going to kick them out. Better to do it now than to wait around until she was so attached to Vicious it ripped out her heart.

  “Let me look her over. As soon as she can make it comfortably, I’d appreciate it if you could give us a ride back. Assuming El Diablo lets us back.”

  “I honestly don’t think Rycks will have it any other way.”

  “Rycks was always protective of her, but they were constantly at each other. He belittled her, but she gave it right back to him. I don’t understand why he’d want us back.”

  “Lucy,” Thorn said, hesitating before he continued. “He didn’t say both of you. He wants Mae. I don’t think he’d object if you wanted to come with her, but he’s not as insistent. His focus is Mae. She’s not… responded well since he left.”

  Lucy let out a sob before she could rein it in. “She’s my baby sister. I promised I’d take care of her. Look out for her.”

  “This isn’t your fault, Lucy,” Thorn offered gently. “What we ran up against… you’re damned lucky you weren’t around when she was taken.”

  Brushing away tears, she stepped into the room and crossed to the bed. Mae’s eyes never strayed from hers, but she didn’t move or say anything. Lucy sat on the bed. When she reached over to brush a lock of matted hair out of her sister’s face, Mae flinched back. Lucy felt it like a solid slap.

  “I’m so sorry, Mae. I promised I’d keep you safe, and I couldn’t.” No response. “Thorn said Rycks wants us to come back to Black Reign.” Mae shifted but said nothing. “Do you want him to come get us?” Her sister didn’t speak, but, after a moment, nodded her head slightly. “I’ll tell Thorn. Once you’re able to move, they’ll take us back.” Again, Mae said nothing nor acknowledged her in any way. “Get some rest. Once you feel like it, we’ll get you up and get you a nice long, hot bath. I’ll wash your hair and get all the tangles out of it. How would that be?” No response.

  Lucy was becoming desperate but dared not push Mae any further. She needed sleep. And time. Neither looked like they would be easily given.

  Chapter Eight

  “I can’t believe you’re lettin’ that mother fucker in here.” Vicious paced the common room like a lion on the prowl. He hated the idea of having Rycks in Bane territory at all, much less in their fucking clubhouse.”

  “It’s not about what I want,” Thorn responded softly. “It’s about what Mae needs. He’s been the only one she’s responded to. I was there when Lucy asked if she wanted to go back to Reign. For whatever reason, despite their outward relationship, she trusts him. More than anything, she needs to be with someone she trusts right now.”

  “You sayin’ she don’t trust Lucy? Cause I won’t believe it. Lucy loves her sister more than anything.”

  “I’m sayin’ she’s got some kind of bond with Rycks. Same as he has with her. Mae needs to be with him.” One thing Thorn was good at was reading people. It’s why they all followed him so easily when every man in Bane was as dominant as they came. If he said Mae needed to be with Rycks, then that was where she needed to go.

  “Fine. Don’t mean I have to like him comin’ around.”

  “Lucy intends to go with them.” Thorn didn’t pull any punches.

  Vicious’s head whipped around and he glared at Thorn. “No fuckin’ way.”

  “Not my decision, brother. Lucy doesn’t want to leave her sister.” Vicious noted Thorn didn’t add his opinion on that.

  All of a sudden, the room didn’t have enough air. Vicious’s chest felt heavy, and his heart raced. No way he was letting her leave. Especially not to go back to Black Reign.

  “Like bloody hell,” he grumbled, then stomped away to find Lucy.

  As expected, she was in Mae’s room, sitting beside the bed. Mae’s small hand was in Lucy’s, but Mae didn’t acknowledge Lucy other than to glance up at her from time to time as if for reassurance. She did so when she became aware of Vicious. Yeah. No doubt the girl needed to be somewhere she felt safe, and Bane wasn’t it.

  Vicious went to Lucy and placed a hand on her shoulder. Lucy looked up at him. “We need to talk.” Vicious tried not to be gruff about it, but didn’t seem to be able to rein it in. He was not letting her go. If he had to
tie her to his bed he would.

  “I can’t leave Mae,” Lucy said, looking away from him. “She needs me.”

  “No one’s gonna hurt her here. You know that, right?”

  “I know, but she’s frightened.”

  Thorn knocked lightly on the open door, not entering until Lucy acknowledged him. “I’ll sit with her if you like,” he said, his voice soft and sincere. “I know the two of you have some things to work out.”

  Lucy looked from Thorn to Vicious, then back to Mae. Mae had closed her eyes and lay passively. “I guess we need to.” She looked at Thorn. “She wants to go with Rycks.”

  “I know. I’ve already contacted him. He’ll be here in a few minutes to take her back to Lake Worth.”

  Lucy gasped and ducked her head. Her slim shoulders rose and fell as her breathing quickened. “I guess we better make it quick.” She didn’t look at Vicious.

  Mae’s hand was limp as Lucy removed hers and gently tucked her sister’s arm back under the covers. At some point during the last day, Lucy had managed to wash Mae’s hair. Long, dark hair much like Lucy’s spilled out over the pillow in a soft fall. She looked so small and vulnerable. Vicious understood Lucy’s reluctance to leave her.

  He held out his hand to Lucy, and she took it immediately. At least she wasn’t rejecting him completely.

  Once in his room, he pulled her into his arms. She was stiff at first, but the longer he held her, the more she relaxed. She took a shuddering breath, then she let go.

  Great sobs were torn from Lucy. Grief like Vicious had rarely seen in his life, even on the battlefield, seemed to tear through her like a firestorm. It was like the stress of the last few months with her sister was finally coming to a head. She cried for a good fifteen minutes, the dam bursting right before his eyes.