Torpedo (Bones MC 7) Read online

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  “I’d be lying if I said no.”

  “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t either.”

  “I can’t imagine you being nervous about sex.”

  “Never have been,” he confirmed. “Never mattered to me.”

  “What didn’t matter?”

  “Sex. It was fun, but it was up to her to tell me if she needed something. I think any woman I took to bed always enjoyed herself, but it wasn’t through any effort on my part.”

  “Oh.” It seemed like such a mundane thing to say, but Rose had no idea where he was going with this, or what to say in response.

  “This time, Ambrosia, it matters.”

  Rose couldn’t help herself. She gripped him tighter, wanting something she knew she could never have. “I don’t think you’ll have to worry,” she said. “I’m sure I’ll have a great time.”

  “I know you will. I intend to make sure of it.”

  She shivered, clutching at him again. Torpedo tightened his hold on her, nuzzling the top of her head and placing a kiss there.

  “If I forget to tell you,” she said softly, cuddling more securely into his side. “Thank you.”

  He chuckled. “If you forget the first time, you can remember the next time.”

  Rose said nothing after that. She tried to stay still and will herself to sleep, but it didn’t work. When she became uncomfortable, needing to move, Torpedo urged her to roll to her side. He kept her in his embrace, letting her rest her head on one arm while he curled the other around her. His cock found a home nestled between her butt cheeks and, when he bent the arm her head lay on, he palmed a breast. Surprisingly, he didn’t play with her nipples or in any other way try to sexually stimulate her. Which was its own stimulant by the simple fact she wanted it and he didn’t provide it.

  “This is more than a little frustrating,” she muttered.

  His warm chuckle vibrated through her body like a caress. “I know, baby.”

  “Then why put us both through it?” She looked back over her shoulder at him. “You know I’m willing.”

  “I know. Believe me, I’d love to. But I told you I wouldn’t take you tonight. One thing you’ll learn about me is that, while I’m a bastard, and I skirt the law from time to time as a biker, I’m a man of my word. I never go back on it, and I won’t lie to you. No matter how tempting.” He dropped his lips to her neck and scraped his teeth over the tender skin. “And, believe me, you are so very tempting.”


  “Just relax, baby. Try to sleep. Tomorrow, I’ll show you something spectacular.”

  It took another hour before Rose felt her eyelids grow heavy. She closed them and allowed herself to drift. Finally, with Torpedo’s arms solidly around her, Rose passed out.

  * * *

  The room was still dark when Rose was lifted gently from the bed. She gasped awake, her eyes landing on Torpedo’s face. It was difficult not to panic at first, but when he grinned down at her, Rose settled, slipping her arms around his neck lightly.

  “Good morning, Ambrosia.” He nuzzled her cheek, kissing it lightly.

  “Where are we going?” She sounded breathless even to herself, but there was no help for it. This was it, and she was anxious beyond belief. Her heart was pounding.

  “To the bathtub. I thought you might want to wash the sleep from your body. Besides, it’s a great way to get to know each other.”

  “And sleeping beside each other naked wasn’t?”

  His chuckle warmed her insides and vibrated through her entire body. “You can’t get to know someone when you’re asleep.”

  “I might give you that. I’m not sure I slept much so the jury is still out.”

  Torpedo laughed then, setting her on her feet in front of the sink. “You’re a treasure, Ambrosia. You know that?” He kissed the end of her nose. “Now, do any morning rituals you need to do and get in that big tub. I’ll be back in ten minutes.” There was pure seduction in his voice. In his gaze. A promise of so much to come Rose nearly whimpered. Instead, she nodded and did as he told her.

  When he returned, she was sitting in the big garden tub, bubbles fizzing around her with the jets. It took all her willpower not to cross her arms over her chest, but she was determined to see this through. Acting shy -- even if she was -- wasn’t even an option.

  Torpedo’s gaze focused intently on her as he stalked across the room. He seemed to make each movement slow and deliberate, as if afraid she’d bolt.

  “I’m not backing out,” she said, hoping she’d read his thoughts correctly. “I’m not saying you should jump on me or anything, but you don’t have to be so careful not so scare me.”

  “Good,” he said, not denying it. “Don’t want you to ever be scared of me.”

  When he sat back on the opposite end, Rose was puzzled. She’d expected him to take her in his arms and begin this, kind of like he had the night before. Instead, he sat with his arms draped lazily over the sides of the tub as if he had no plans to move any time soon.

  Raising a quizzical eyebrow, he looked at her as if to say, “What are you gonna to do now, honey?”

  She thought for a minute. He’d said this was so they could get to know each other. Apparently, he wanted her to make the first move. Well. She could do that. She might be a little inexperienced, but she knew a little about pleasuring a man, and she’d certainly visited PornHub more than once.

  Rose moved to him, laying her hands on his chest and settling herself between his legs. Very slowly, she leaned into him until her lips met his. He didn’t move, but he returned her kiss with a fiery passion using nothing but his lips, tongue, and occasionally, his teeth. As before, Rose was swept away. Her hands caressed his shoulders and chest, trying to memorize every muscle she touched. His thighs on either side of her pinned her between them, letting her know she was exactly where he wanted her to be. Still, his arms lay passively over the edge of the tub. If she wanted to be free of him, it was totally in her hands.

  Sliding her hands up the sides of his face, she threaded her fingers through his hair, continuing to kiss him, needing more and more of him. Her heart pounded and she began to tremble. God, the man could kiss! When the first whimper escaped her, Torpedo’s arms snaked around her, and he moved them to the other side, pressing her body firmly against his.

  He urged her legs around his waist, and Rose could feel his cock pulsing between them where it mashed pleasantly against her belly. Instinct took over for Rose and the next thing she knew, her arms had slid down his chest, around his sides to grip his ass. When he flexed against her, sliding his cock between them, she gasped and dug her nails into the muscled cheeks.

  “That’s it, baby,” he whispered at her ear. “Stake your claim.”

  Was she? She thought she was playing grab-ass. When he said it like that, though, she liked the way it sounded. When he looked into her eyes, Rose loved the possessiveness she saw there sometimes. She’d known him a day -- less than -- but she’d seen that look more than once since he’d met her at the door naked.

  Rose pulled his mouth to hers, needing the contact. He obliged with those same drugging kisses, driving Rose nearly out of her mind. She’d never been kissed like this man was doing. She acknowledged she was a rank novice at sex, but there was a realization that he was way out of her league, and she was just along for the ride.

  Chapter Six

  Torpedo had no intention of being a passive lover, but he was terrified of scaring Rose. Mainly because nothing had ever taken over him quite so much as this small woman. When her body was pressed so tightly against him, he could think of nothing else but being inside her. He tried to let her lead this to get a feel for what she needed, but the more she rubbed herself against him and gripped his ass, digging in her little nails to hold on to him, the more the predator inside him wanted free.

  It was in this moment, Torpedo realized what his brothers had gone through. Cain, Bohannon, Sword, Viper, Arkham, Trucker… all of them had felt this overwhelmin
g need to secure their women to them. He understood why all of them had done anything they’d had to, no matter how reckless or brash, to keep the woman they knew in their soul was theirs. Some had fought it. Some not. He wasn’t sure which category he fit into. Probably the one that was too damned much for such an innocent. She was nineteen. He was thirty-six. Nearly twice her age! But Torpedo knew he’d never let her go. Taking her virginity tonight was just the beginning. He was going to bind her to him, make her want to stay with him. Once that was accomplished, he was going to beat the living fuck out of Richmond Foley. The man would never even breathe Rose’s name again without fear of the Holy Ghost raining down on him.

  He grunted when he felt her pussy make contact with the length of his cock, her little lips folding around him in a most intimate blanket. He knew Rose had no idea how to lead their mating, but he wanted her to be just desperate enough to try.

  Their bodies, slick with water and the soap bubbles, moved together in a sinuous glide. The experience shouldn’t have been a particularly moving one for Torpedo. Maybe it was Rose’s unrestrained reactions, the trembling of her body that told him how much she really wanted this. Maybe it was the woman herself. She was strong. A fighter, no matter what she thought. She’d fought back against her enemy the only way she could. By not giving up. She hadn’t rolled over and wallowed in self-pity when she’d gotten fired from her job, hadn’t whined and complained when she’d gotten kicked out of her apartment. She’d picked up and moved on. Even this time, she had a plan in place. She’d paid her rent in advance and given herself enough of a padding she could work low-income jobs to save up for a move away from Foley. For some reason, Torpedo found her tenacity at making a life for herself sexy as hell. She wasn’t asking for help from anyone. She was simply doing what needed to be done. He’d slay her demons for her and, hopefully, prove to her he was worthy of her strength.

  Rose did something with her hips, circling them and stroking his dick with her pussy. Lightning seemed to streak up his balls, painful and burning with the need to sink into her immediately. He lifted his head and groaned. She arched against him, crying out herself in the grip of her own sensation. When she began to thrash beneath him, nipping his lips, neck, and shoulder and becoming bolder in her demands, Torpedo knew it was time.

  Abruptly he stood, water sluicing off their bodies in a rush. Starting this seduction in the bath suddenly seemed like a really dumb idea. He snagged a couple of towels and tried to get as much of the water beaded on their bodies dried as he could between kisses and touches. It was a halfhearted attempt at best, but it’d have to be good enough. Because, when his mouth found her breast, his little Rose lost her Goddamned mind.

  With a shriek, she couldn’t seem to decide if she wanted to push him away or hold her to him. Her body moved against him like a dream, a woman doing the most exotic dance over his body. Torpedo greedily moved to the other breast, lavishing as much attention on it as he had the other.

  Finally, Rose pushed him away and launched herself at him, wrapping her arms and legs around him in what felt like sheer desperation on her part. Hell, he was just as desperate to be inside her. Somehow, he got them back to the bed, planted a knee on the mattress, and laid her down. When he tried to pull her arms from around his neck, however, she was having none of it.

  “No! I need you!” She sounded almost in pain, sobbing her little demand.

  “God, I need you, too, baby, but you’ve got to let me prepare you.”

  “I’m ready,” she panted. “Just do it!”

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” he practically bit out, trying to free himself from her embrace. “I’m still gonna make you feel good.”

  She sobbed as she let go of him. Tears streaked from her lovely eyes down her temples to wet her hair. “Please don’t leave me like this, Torpedo. Please! I’ll do anything!” The whispered plea nearly broke his resolve. How could any man be cruel to this woman? She was so naturally sensual, so giving of herself. To think Tyler Foley had been engaged to her yet had tried to sexually assault her was completely unthinkable. All the man would have had to do was put a little effort into pleasing her. Which made Torpedo see red. That little fuck would pay in ways he couldn’t possibly imagine, simply because he was a stupid shit. And this haze of anger gave Torpedo the control to do what he knew needed to be done rather than what his Ambrosia obviously wanted.

  “Never, Ambrosia. I’ll always satisfy you. You’ve just got to trust me.”

  Instead of waiting for her to acknowledge him, Torpedo shoved her legs apart as he scooted down the bed to lie between her spread thighs. Before she could utter a cry, he dipped his head and latched on to her little pussy.

  Rose gasped, nearly sitting up in the bed. One hand went to his head and gripped his hair hard. Torpedo wasn’t sure if she was pulling him to her or pushing him away. He doubted if she knew. Her hips seemed to mirror her hands, not knowing whether to thrust at him or squirm from his mouth. Finally, she just gave up and screamed.

  He felt her quivering beneath his tongue, a delightful orgasm to start their morning. And it had taken seconds to bring her off. She was a passionate little thing. Untried, yes, but teaching her, taking all her firsts, would be the greatest pleasure of his life.

  * * *

  Rose couldn’t move. Pleasure still tingled throughout her body, lulling her into a kind of catharsis. The resulting aftermath of that explosive orgasm had become its own climatic event. She was changed because of it. She didn’t know exactly how, but knew she was. Vaguely, she knew Torpedo had moved up her body, but she was still floating, her mind and body not working together at the moment.

  When she could finally focus again, Torpedo’s weight was a secure anchor pressing her into the bed. She loved the feel of him more than she ever thought possible. What was about to happen was a complete unknown to her, but Rose was ready. This was what she’d been begging for since he’d gotten her alone in the room.

  She was vaguely aware of him ripping open a packet and rolling on the condom, but the only thing that mattered to her was when he pressed the head of his cock against her entrance. Rose cried out at the touch of him against her, but he didn’t slide inside. Instead, he held himself still, his body above her on stiffened arms. Once she realized he wasn’t going anywhere, the haze of lust dissipated enough for her to focus on his face. “What’s wrong? Why’d you stop?”

  “Just making sure you were still with me.” Had he grinned at her, Rose was certain she’d have lost her nerve. Instead, the strain on his face looked as bad as she felt.

  “I’m with you,” she whispered, nodding several times. “Please don’t stop.”

  He nodded once before pressing into her. The second he did, Rose sucked in a breath, her eyes going wide. There was discomfort. Not pain, exactly, but a stretching she wasn’t used to. It burned slightly. There was still a tremendous amount of pleasure, but it was tempered.

  “I don’t want you to hurt, baby,” Torpedo said. Sweat dripped from his nose onto her chest. “But I want you to experience every second of this. The pleasure, but also the slight pain. It won’t last long, and it’s part of the experience.”

  “You want me to hurt?” Rose was shocked at that. There was a sense he was betraying her, but she wanted to hear his answer.

  “Yes. I want you to know you’re no longer a virgin.” He looked into her eyes, his gaze intense and penetrating. “And I want you to remember it was me you gave this honor.” With that, he sank into her, taking her innocence with him. Rose yelped, gasping for breath. The pain was sharp for a few seconds. She could feel the barrier of her innocence tear.

  Once he slid inside her until his skin was flush against hers, he again stopped. “Look at me, baby. Keep focused on me.”

  She blinked several times and reached blindly for his arms. She used her grip to anchor herself and breathe through the discomfort. It took a couple of seconds, but he was right. The pain wasn’t that bad and was fleeting. He could have probab
ly distracted her enough she wouldn’t have noticed, but she realized he was right. She wanted the whole experience. Everything she could get from it. As to her remembering she’d given him her first time, she wasn’t sure how she felt about that. He was definitely her choice, but what would happen after this was over? Torpedo -- Gavin Ferguson -- was a man she’d never forget.

  “There you are,” he said, lowering his weight so that he rested on his forearms, his body pressing hers into the mattress. “There’s my girl. Are you good?”

  She nodded. But was she? She’d have to figure that out later. Right now, she wasn’t going to let anything, not even her own insecurities and fears over the future, ruin this for her. She’d made it through the pain. Now it was time for the pleasure.

  * * *

  Torpedo rocked side to side, fitting himself inside Rose to his liking. He brushed over her clit, teasing her back to the fever pitch he’d had her at before he’d deliberately brought her down. When she gasped and whimpered slightly, he knew she was ready, and Torpedo began to move.

  In and out. Slow, deliberate strokes eased and coaxed her body into accepting his. He could feel every ripple of her little muscles around his cock as the pleasure built inside her once again. Torpedo knew he’d been a bastard to insist she feel the pain before showing her more of the pleasure he could give her, but he wanted her to think of him every time she thought of sex. This was the first step. Once he’d made her scream her orgasm for the whole hotel to hear, he’d proceed to the next step. Slaying her demons and proving he could protect her in any way she needed him to.

  Rose cried out, arching her back and wrapping her arms around him. Her little nails dug into his back this time as she clawed at him. As he sped up his pace, taking care to put as much friction on her clit as he could, she dug more frantically at him. Torpedo welcomed the bite. It kept him focused on his goal instead of allowing him to drown in the sheer pleasure of her hot little body.

  It didn’t take long for Rose to scream her pleasure. Her little pussy milked his cock in hot, gripping heat. He fought off his own orgasm, not wanting to finish the first round too soon, needing to draw out the experience for both of them as long as he could.