Torpedo (Bones MC 7) Read online

Page 7

  Just as he thought he had a tight grip on his control, Rose leaned up to find his lips with hers. The second she did, she bit down sharply on his lower one. The shock stripped everything from him, his cock swelling at the unexpectedly aggressive gesture. With a long, hoarse bellow, Torpedo emptied his seed inside the condom. Spurt after pulsing spurt burst from him so forcefully, he vaguely wondered if the condom could contain him. Would he spill inside her? Get her pregnant? In the past, such thoughts had been enough to quell any arousal he had. Now, it only made the experience that much more intense.

  For long moments, he lay on top of her, trying to catch his breath. Rose still clung to him, her fingers kneading over and over, her breathing just as ragged as his.

  “You good, baby?” Torpedo wasn’t sure how he managed to get the words out. Just being with her had tweaked his gray matter beyond repair. Never had a woman affected him like this. Control was something Torpedo prided himself on, and he’d just lost every single ounce of it with Rose.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “I’m wonderful.”

  Carefully, he extracted himself from her grip and rose from the bed. He went to the bathroom to clean himself and bring a fresh cloth for her. As he washed himself, he noticed the blood denoting her innocence on the condom and high on one thigh where he’d rubbed against her.

  Swearing, he wet another cloth with warm water. She’d be tender. Sore and feeling quite vulnerable. He’d taken her with less finesse than he should have her first time. But, Goddamn, she’d been so fucking passionate! He hadn’t expected anything like what she gave him. Every response was real. Every sigh, whimper, moan, and scream. Nothing in his experience with sex could have prepared him for the raw lust she displayed.

  No. Lust wasn’t the right word. It was more than that. Passion. Uncontrollable hunger for what he was doing to her. She had been more than a simple participant in their lovemaking, too. It hadn’t been deliberate on her part -- Torpedo was certain she’d been going on blind instinct. Which made her the most naturally sexual woman he’d ever encountered in his life. This could be a problem, because he could easily come to crave that unbridled hunger in her.

  When he cleaned her, she bled, leaving a crimson streak on the insides of both thighs. He pushed her hand away gently when she reached for the cloth to do it herself. With a tender touch, he took great care in getting every smear of blood and her own moisture off her delicate skin before tossing the cloth back into the bathroom and climbing into bed with her.

  Torpedo wrapped his body around hers, closing his arms tightly around her. Her body trembled slightly. She clung to him, her head resting on his chest. Normally this was the situation he tried to avoid. He didn’t do afterplay or whatever women called this shit. But with Rose, he not only tolerated it, he needed it. In fact, he wasn’t entirely sure he didn’t need it just as much as she did.

  He stroked her back up and down, trying to soothe her, praise her for the wonderful way she’d responded to him. When she continued to tremble, he said, “Talk to me, baby. Tell me what you’re feeling.”

  “That was so wonderful, Torpedo. I never knew.”

  “I’ll always make it good for you. No matter what. Whatever it takes or whatever you need.”

  There was a long pause, and Torpedo thought she’d drifted off. Hoped it actually, because there were questions about the two of them he needed to really think about. Like the fact that something inside him compelled him to keep her close. It was more than the cuddling. He wanted to wake up with her in his arms before having sex with her. Every single fucking morning of his life. Why now, when he’d never been one to need or even want a woman around the next morning? There was something about Ambrosia that had gotten under his skin. He needed to figure it out before she did and took advantage of him. Because he knew with absolute certainty that he’d give the woman the Goddamned moon if she even hinted that she wanted it. And he’d kill anyone trying to take her from him.

  * * *

  Had Rose been able to design the morning, she’d never have been able to make a more beautiful one. The sun was warm and bright, the sky deep sapphire blue. The occasional white, puffy cloud drifted lazily along overhead while sea gulls cried from the beach. She was happier than she could ever remember being.

  Torpedo had woken her that morning with tender sex, bringing her up gently several times before letting her orgasm. By the time they’d finished, Rose had been mindless with pleasure, clawing and scratching and biting at him to finish her. He’d chuckled, though it had sounded a bit strained, and complied with her wishes. To both their satisfaction.

  Now, he had her on the back of his bike, speeding down the highway to a clubhouse. Vicious, one of the two buddies he had with him, was part of Salvation’s Bane, a sister club to Torpedo’s own biker club. Normally, Rose would have thought twice about jumping on the back of a strange man’s motorcycle, but shit. She’d already slept with the man. He hadn’t hurt her or done anything she hadn’t thoroughly enjoyed. For the first time in a very long time, she actually felt safe. Not safe like she expected to die, and this was the one man who could save her. It was more like Torpedo wasn’t going to force her to do anything she didn’t want to. She could do whatever she wanted with him and he’d never make her go beyond what she was comfortable with. Rose hadn’t felt that from Tyler ever. Felt it even less from his father. Tyler was in jail until Richmond figured a way to get him out. Richmond was on her ass everywhere she went, making her life miserable. Rose got the feeling Torpedo might hinder that endeavor for Richmond.

  The trio drove around Palm Springs for over an hour, picking up more and more bikes as they went. Every time they did, someone gave Vicious a wave or a fist bump as they passed. Torpedo and Shadow got a wave or a two-fingered salute. They all nodded to her. All of them joined formation as they rode across town. She noticed they kept her and Torpedo in the center of their band. By design since Torpedo wasn’t technically part of their club?

  By the time they rolled into the driveway of a huge house, there were at least thirty or forty men riding around them. The noise from the pipes was deafening, especially when they stopped and all of them revved their engines, yelling out their welcome home to their brother.

  “Wow,” Rose said, yelling to be heard over the roar. “That’s something else!”

  Torpedo grinned at her. “Sure is, darlin’. Let’s get inside. I think Data has been coordinating with Salvation’s Bane. They should have all the information they need to help on this end.”

  “They’re not your club. Right? Won’t they not want to get involved in a personal matter?”

  “Honey, we’re all brothers. All of Bones and most of Salvation’s Bane works for Cain outside of the biker life. One of us needs help, we all band together. Especially in a situation like this where the problem is outside Bone’s territory.”

  He steadied her as she dismounted the bike, taking a second to get her legs under her after the long ride when she wasn’t used to it. Torpedo stood and lashed both helmets to his bike before taking Rose’s hand, steering her to the clubhouse.

  The heavenly scent of something barbequing hit Rose the second the door opened and had her mouth watering. “Something smells good,” she whispered.

  “That’d be Tawney’s world-famous chicken wings,” Vicious said, taking a deep breath through his nose. His eyes were closed in bliss as he inhaled the sharp fragrance. “Woman can make wings like nobody’s business.” He nodded toward the buffet table the women were setting up. “I suggest you get some before the brothers take them all, Rose.”

  “Rose?” Torpedo questioned as he narrowed his eyes at Vicious. “What about me.”

  “You’re on your own, Bones. Guests, Salvation’s Bane. Then visitin’ clubs.”

  “The fuck you say!”

  Vicious laughed as Torpedo urged Rose to the table to grab a plate. Once they had their share of the wings, potato salad, and coleslaw, Torpedo addressed Thorn, the president of Salvation’s Bane. />
  “Cain touch base with you about Rose?”

  The other man nodded. “I’m aware of the dynamics of the situation. Sounds like she made some nasty enemies.”

  “Data’s already taken care of things with Tyler, but I’ll need help getting to Daddy Foley. I can handle him but getting in and out without being seen can be a problem if you don’t know the area.”

  Thorn waved that away. “It’s no problem, brother. Vicious has volunteered to help. He’s as good a man as I have. What’s your goal? Scare him into leaving the woman alone?”

  “Mostly. That and the threat that, if he doesn’t, his son will pay the consequences.”

  Rose gasped, but Torpedo squeezed her leg under the table, hoping she took the hint and didn’t say anything.

  “Sounds reasonable. He’d be a hard one to cover if you needed to take more drastic measures. Try to keep to your original plan if you can.”

  “Always, brother,” Torpedo said readily. “While I can’t deny I’d love to take a more permanent route, it’s not appropriate.”

  Thorn nodded once. “You have my blessing then. How long do you need?”

  “A couple days at most. We need to set up a video conference at the pen where Tyler’s being kept. Once Data gets that going, I’ll be ready.”

  “We’ll keep the doors open for you, brother.” Thorn pinned him with a hard stare. “Don’t misuse that trust. Vicious will follow your lead. Don’t bring more trouble to our door than we can safely handle.”

  “I’ll treat Salvation’s Bane as if it were my own club. I wouldn’t bring trouble to our door if it could be avoided safely. I’ll respect your club the same way.”

  “Having said that,” Thorn continued, “Richmond Foley is a son of a bitch. His son is a bastard of the worst kind. Not gonna lie and say I wouldn’t approve if you did take care of that situation permanently.”

  “The punishment has to fit the crime, Thorn. I know you live by that. Bones does, too.”

  The president snorted. “Mostly.”

  Torpedo laughed then, dispelling the tension that had surrounded the men. “Yeah. Mostly.”

  Chapter Seven

  “So, what’s the plan?” Rose asked as Torpedo took off his shirt. They’d been given a comfortable room at the Salvation’s Bane compound where they could rest. “Rest” as in code for “fuck.”

  He shrugged. “Waiting on word from Data. Once he establishes what he needs in the prison where Tylor is being held, we’ll go have a chat with his daddy.”

  “Chat? Like really or does ‘chat’ mean something more sinister?” Rose raised an eyebrow when Torpedo chuckled.

  “No, darlin’. I mean chat as in talk. Much as I’d like to throw that man a beating for being a third-class prick, I won’t because it would put Bane at risk. I won’t take the chance they’ll get in trouble when it’s not really worth it. Richmond Foley can be controlled.”

  “Good. I don’t want anyone in trouble because of me.” She meant it, too. If she was the cause of these good men getting into a fight they couldn’t control and win, she’d never forgive herself.

  “None of this is because of you, baby. Anything Tylor or Richmond Foley get, they brought on themselves. You’re not the only one they hurt. I’m hoping you’ll be the last.”

  She stepped close to Torpedo, her hands going to his chest where she stroked over his shoulders with her palms until she linked her hands around his neck. “So, what do we do in the meantime?”

  He gave her a crooked grin. “Oh, I’m sure we’ll think of something.”

  Rose accepted his kiss eagerly when he lowered his head to hers. If she lived to be a hundred, she didn’t think she’d ever tire of kissing him. The sweet way he coaxed her and the sometimes-rough aggression seemed to be contradictory, but it was an intoxicating combination. Now, he kissed her tenderly but insistently, taking her into a world of exotic passion. He urged her shirt over her head, leaving her in a lacy bra that pushed her breasts up and together, showing them to their best advantage. She’d worn it for him, hoping he’d get to see her in it. When he growled, her belly fluttered excitedly.

  “Have I told you you’re fuckin’ beautiful?”

  She giggled nervously. “I don’t know. Can’t remember. Probably because when you look at me like you are now, I can’t concentrate on anything.”

  “Well, you’re fuckin’ beautiful, Ambrosia. So fuckin’ beautiful.”

  “Torpedo…” She sighed his name into her kiss. Nothing was so good as his touch; nothing was so wonderful as when he held her tightly in his arms and told her what to do to please them both. Rose reveled in the power he inspired inside her. Torpedo made her feel like she was a beautiful, desirable woman capable of holding the attention of a virile man like himself. Despite telling him she rarely answered to the name Ambrosia, she loved that he called her than when they had sex. It was like their special thing. His private name for her.

  Before she knew it, Torpedo had her naked and his arms wrapped tightly around her. His frame was muscled and large, hers slight and lithe. Rose loved how safe she felt surrounded by him. Even when he was a little rough, she loved everything he did. She also found an answering wildness within herself. She wanted to do everything he demanded, to satisfy his every desire.

  He spread her out on the bed, urging her arms above her head so that she grasped the rails on the headboard. “Don’t move, Ambrosia. Hold on to the headboard no matter what. Understand?”

  When she nodded, he kissed her once more before moving his lips down her body. He lavished kisses over her breasts, sucking on her nipples one at a time. Stubble on his face abraded her skin deliciously, creating an erotic stimulation.

  Rose lost herself, letting herself go within the magic Torpedo created. She craved everything he did to her. Still, she was shocked at the sensations when he put his mouth over her sex and sucked, flicking her clit with his tongue. The place was so very sensitive, and Torpedo knew exactly how much pressure to put on her before it became too much.

  She cried out, tunneling her fingers through his hair. Whether she was trying to push him away or hold him to her, she didn’t know. Everything was too much. Too strong. Yet… perfect!

  Torpedo stabbed deep, thrusting his tongue inside her before slipping two fingers to take the place of his tongue. “You taste so delicious.” His wicked voice sent shivers through her. An orgasm the likes of which she’d never conceived of was just out of reach. If he’d flick her clit just once more…

  “Ah, ah,” he said, placing kisses all around her pussy. “None of that, Ambrosia. No coming until I’m ready for you to.”

  “I -- what?”

  He grinned up at her from between her thighs. “You heard me. You don’t come this time until I say you can.”

  “Are you kidding?” Rose couldn’t process what he was saying. She couldn’t have heard him right.

  “I’m dead serious,” he said between kisses. “You’re not to come until I tell you, or there will be consequences.”

  She was starting to panic now. No way could he keep this up without her coming. Hell, she was on the verge as they spoke! Somehow, Rose managed to squeak out the question, “Consequences?”

  “Oh, yes. Dire consequences.”

  “Um, what exactly?”

  “I’m not certain. I guess you’ll have to disobey me to find out.” His smile was beyond cocky. He was a man who knew he had the upper hand and intended to use it.

  “Oh, God…”


  A third finger entered her as he pumped as deep as he could, occasionally flicking her clit. Rose had managed to back off slightly, but she knew it was only a matter of time. What was she supposed to do? Didn’t some men get off on their partners begging them for things?

  “Please let me come, Torpedo. I don’t think I can stop it.” The plea rolled off her lips without a single ounce of hesitation or regret. If he wanted her to beg him for this, she could do it. It was just play, after all.
br />   “No.” The answer came immediately, his gaze focused on her like a hawk.


  “No, Ambrosia. You can’t come yet. Not until I say.” He kept pumping her cunt with his fingers, his tongue snaking out to tease her clit occasionally. It wasn’t long before he had her panting and crying out, her body drenched in sweat.

  “I… can’t…” She struggled to form words. How to tell him she was coming whether he wanted her to or not? Head thrashing, body trembling, Rose finally gave up the fight. It had been futile anyway. With a scream, Rose let her body fragment. Wave after pulsing wave caught her up in a pleasure so intense it bordered on pain. Her body seized, her hips riding his mouth frantically with nothing more than instinct. Rose knew she couldn’t stop her body from moving if she’d wanted to. Nothing in her life had prepared her for the sensations she found with this man. Nothing. Never had she dared to dream anything could feel like this.

  Finally, the pulsations faded, her body going limp as if tired from a long journey. Perhaps that was exactly what had happened. Torpedo had opened the door to a whole new world of being where sensation ruled, and nothing was as it should be. Perhaps she’d been waiting to give herself to exactly the right man, someone who knew how to do this to her body and enjoyed it as much as she did.

  “T-Torpedo…” Rose looked up at him, tears streaming from her eyes she hadn’t even known were there. “That was…”

  When her eyes finally focused on him, she found him rolling on a condom, his gaze intense and demanding. “Gonna be even better, Ambrosia.” His voice was rough and husky, as if maybe he were just as affected as she’d been. Once the condom encased him, he lowered himself to her, probing her entrance carefully before sliding all the way in with one smooth stroke. Rose felt her body open for him, welcoming him inside her. Again, the sensations started building. A firestorm she had no hope of containing.