Torpedo (Bones MC 7) Read online

Page 8

  The woman in Torpedo’s arms was a dream come true. Her responses were genuine and so fucking passionate he could hardly believe it. He knew how to please a woman. He didn’t really care if they got off or not, but it was a matter of pride. What man could really call himself a man if he didn’t at least try to give as much pleasure as he got? Usually, those matters took care of themselves. The women he was usually with knew what they were doing and how to please both of them. But little Ambrosia was still learning. And, fuck, she was a fast learner!

  When he entered her body and settled himself on top of her, she was already thrusting her hips at him, urging him to move inside her the way she needed. She’d even learned how to twist her hips at the end of her movement in such a way that he nearly shot off the second she did it. All of a sudden, his threat to her seemed to ring in his ears. He’d ordered her to hold off her orgasm until he told her to come. What if he couldn’t even last long enough to drive her up that high again? That’d be a kick in the nuts.

  He shifted to his side, a position he knew would throw her. He needed Rose off balance until he could catch his breath, or he was gonna look like a fool. He pulled one of her thighs over his hip and gripped her ass to keep her close to him. When she tried to roll over to wrap her arms around his neck, he shoved her to her back.

  “Stay there, Ambrosia. Squeeze your tits for me while I fuck you.”

  Her eyes were wild when they met his, her expression stark. Raw. Without hesitation, her hands found her breasts, and she squeezed and rubbed them, looking a little uncomfortable but going at it with gusto.

  “Pinch your nipples. Roll them between your fingers. Stretch them out.”

  She did as he asked and cried out, closing her eyes and arching her back. Torpedo continued to thrust into her, fucking her at a leisurely but steady pace.

  “Can you suck them? Can you reach one with your mouth and suck it?”

  Again, she whimpered, trying to do what he instructed. She couldn’t quite reach, but she licked one ripe peak with the tip of her little pink tongue. The sight was nearly his undoing.

  “You look so sexy, Ambrosia,” he admitted in a husky voice he could hardly believe was his. “So fuckin’ sexy it fuckin’ hurts.”

  He shifted her again. He had to leave her body to get her where he wanted her, which pained him beyond belief. She lay on her back with both legs spread wide and bent at the knee. Torpedo was still on his side as he guided his cock into her again, this time with his lower body under her legs. With her in this position, he had full access to her front and so did she. Once he’d had her start playing with her tits, he found he wanted to watch her do more. He wanted to see just how far he could push her.

  “Still feel good, Ambrosia?”

  “Yes,” she gasped. She looked over at him, a hesitant expression on her face. She hadn’t let go of her tits, but had a death grip on both of them. “I don’t… what do you want me to do?”

  He grinned. “That’s exactly the right question, baby.” He pumped into her, wanting to get her used to the new position before he played with her.

  “It feels different.”

  Torpedo got the impression she hadn’t meant to say that out loud. “Better? Not as good?”

  She shook her head. “Just… different.”

  He grinned, continuing to thrust lazily. He reached for one of her hands and removed it from her breast, replacing it with his own. Rose sighed, arching her back for him, putting herself more fully in his hand. Her breasts were rounded and firm, but small, nearly disappearing into her chest when she lay on her back. Her body was sleek with fine muscle, a young and tempting woman he was fast growing addicted to.

  “Stroke your body for me. Rub your hands over your belly and tits.”

  As he fucked her, Rose did as he asked. Her hands wandered over her body in a light caress. Every time she grazed a nipple, she shivered, and the little nub pebbled prettily. Her hands wandered to just above her mound but never ventured lower. He knew she wanted to. Could tell by the way she hesitated every time she got close.

  The next time she went that far, Torpedo snagged her wrist and urged her to continue going lower. “Feel where we’re joined, Ambrosia. Stroke your clit if you want. Put your fingers on either side of my cock as I fuck you.”

  “Oh, God!” She did as he told her, and the second her fingers found her clit, her body spasmed around his, milking him, trying to make him come with her. She screamed, the sound almost agonizing. Torpedo watched in fascination as color flushed Rose’s skin a beautiful shade of pink. The fine muscles stood out in her abdomen, rippling with her orgasm. She gripped his cock and her pussy in one small hand, her fingers scissoring around him even as he continued to move in and out of her.

  “That’s it, baby. Do whatever you need, but get yourself off hard.”

  She arched her back, finally letting her pussy go and gripping his cock alone. She found his balls when they hit her ass as he continued to fuck her and rolled them in her hand. Torpedo growled, his own body beginning to sweat with the effort to hold back.

  “Tell me what to do,” she whimpered. “I want you to come, too.”

  “You want me to come?”

  “More than anything!”

  He pulled himself out of her, flipping her over to her stomach. With a palm on her back he held her down even as he urged her to her knees with the other hand. With one hard shove, he slammed home, sinking into her wet heat with a hoarse shout.

  Torpedo rode her hard. Fast. Her body was a haven he’d never even known he needed until the first time he’d taken her. She was hot and tight, made perfectly for him. The rounded globes of her ass seemed to taunt him with the need to place his mark on her so no one could ever take her from him.

  “Oh, I intend to come, Ambrosia. Right after I give you your punishment for coming without permission.”

  Rose’s head whipped around, and she came up on her elbows. “My what?”

  Torpedo shoved her back down, stilling his fucking of her. “You heard me. Did you think I was lying when I told you there’d be consequences?”

  “I -- I thought you were playing?”

  “Oh, my little Ambrosia. You’ll find out when it comes to you, I very rarely play. I’m as serious as it gets.”

  “I don’t --”

  Before she could really protest, Torpedo brought his hand down on one cheek. The air exploded from her lungs in a startled rush. When he did it again, she gasped. The third time, she… moaned. When she arched up for more with the fourth sharp slap, Torpedo knew he had, indeed, found the perfect woman.

  “You like it, don’t you?” he bit out, delivering another stinging slap to her ass. “You like your punishment.”

  “Yes,” she cried. “I mean, no! God, I’m so confused!”

  “Don’t think, Ambrosia,” he said at her ear, whispering wickedly. “Just feel.”

  Torpedo continued to deliver smacks to her ass as he fucked her hard. His handprint was red against the delicate flesh there, marking her as his. The sight, along with her screams and the way she pushed back with every thrust, pushed him headlong into bliss. With a roar, he shoved himself deep inside her, his cock pulsing and straining as he emptied himself into the condom. His body convulsed, jerking with every spurt of his seed. Rose cried out again, her body clamping down on his once again as she found another orgasm. Thank God, because Torpedo knew he couldn’t keep going after this cataclysmic release.

  He collapsed on top of her, still deep inside her. Rose found his hand with her own and gripped hard, panting just as hard as he was.

  “Tell me you’re good, baby,” he rasped out. His voice was rough after his shouts. Fuck! He must have really lost his shit. He’d been that far gone and couldn’t be happier about it.

  “I am,” she purred. Rose was still out of breath, but she had a death grip on his hand. “Wonderful.”

  He squeezed her once before disentangling himself from around her body, pulling out and removing the condom
. A quick trip to the bathroom to wash and to bring something to wash her, then Torpedo climbed into the bed, pulling Rose into his arms.

  Peace filled Torpedo’s mind and heart. Pure peace.

  A loud thumping came from the door. Someone pounding on the wood. “Goddamn, Torpedo! Keep it the fuck down! Some of us need our fuckin’ beauty sleep!”

  “Fuck you, Vicious!” Torpedo growled at the man on the other side of the door. A chuckle sounded as Vicious’s heavy boots headed back down the hallway. “Sorry,” Torpedo muttered to Rose. Thankfully, she giggled, color sweeping up her face, but a beautiful smile did as well.

  Yeah. He was fucked.

  Chapter Eight

  Leaving Rose in bed was the hardest thing Torpedo had ever done. He’d lost count of the number of missions he’d participated in where he’d been convinced he’d never return home. Torpedo was a man who loved living. He was always willing to die for a greater cause, but he’d rather live if at all possible, thank you very much. Even the few situations he’d gone into knowing the chances were great that he wouldn’t come back alive were nothing compared to prying his protesting body from her arms. Even standing next to the bed looking down at her, it was hard to turn and leave when everything inside him wanted to crawl back under the covers and continue making love to her.


  With a sharp shake of his head, he finished dressing, then headed out, locking the bedroom door so no one would disturb her. If things went the way he planned, he wouldn’t be gone more than a few hours anyway. He’d be back inside her before dawn.

  Vicious and Shadow were waiting outside his door. All three of them were dressed in black. No club colors to identify them, though Torpedo had no intention of hiding behind anonymity. He wanted that fuck Foley to know who was gunning for him. They all made eye contact, then marched down the hall, Torpedo in the lead.

  The ride to Richmond Foley’s estate was about thirty minutes, all of it prime beach-front property. The man definitely had means. Why in the world was he picking on a woman like Rose? She was nothing to him. She might represent his son’s fall from grace, but she certainly shouldn’t be on either Foley’s radar. So, what was it?

  “It’s ego, brother,” Shadow said, putting a hand on his shoulder as Torpedo dismounted his bike. They parked under a pier on the beach below Foley’s house.


  “The reason this motherfucker fixated on a sweet girl like Rose. Ego. He can’t stand that a nobody took down his family, and it’s eating at him.”

  The moonlight reflected off Shadow’s skin, giving him an eerie, otherworldly appearance. Shadow had been a late addition to their crew and club, but he was a fucking good one. The man had insight like no one Torpedo had ever encountered. He could read people to a scary degree.

  “When this is done, remind me to thank you for using your powers for good.”

  Shadow snorted. “Smartass fuck.”

  Torpedo clapped him on the back. “You’re an irreplaceable member, Shadow. Never think we all don’t know that.”

  “Oh, I know. I just didn’t know if you knew.”

  “If you guys need to get a room, there’s one that rents by the hour just up the fuckin’ street.”

  “Don’t worry, Vicious,” Shadow said, punching the other man in the arm. “He loves you too. And for the record, I never rent a room by the hour. Brother needs a good long time to love his woman.” He shrugged. “Or guy. Whatever your thing is.”

  They all three chuckled, the tension easing enough for Torpedo to think clearly instead of how much he wanted to pound that motherfucker, Foley. “Let’s get this done. Is Data in position?”

  Shadow held up his phone. “On standby. Ready for the… demonstration.”

  “Good. Tell him ten minutes. Tops.”

  Shadow sent a quick text and stared at the screen a few seconds before giving a short nod. “He’s good. Says you’re free to gain the house. South-side entrance. Says to key in the code 218794# when you enter. That will give you thirty minutes of disabled security all the way around. We’ll be ghosts in the wind.”

  Vicious raised an eyebrow. “Good boy you got there.”

  “Yup. Data’s a master at shit like this.”

  “Hop to it, boys,” Shadow said, heading up the stairs, leading the way. “I wanna catch a few Z’s before Torpedo and his woman go at it again. Why’d you put me next to those two, Vicious? They’re freaks!”

  “Fixin’ to bust your motherfuckin’ head, Shadow,” Torpedo groused.

  Shadow flipped him off.

  Three minutes later, they were at the entrance in question. The place was truly beautiful. The breaker wall was camouflaged by tropical shrubbery and greenery, the pool sculpted into the landscape so that it seemed more like a natural beach than an artificial pool.

  “Gotta hand it to the bastard. This place is really something.” Torpedo knew he sounded equal parts admiring and grudging.

  “No shit. Wouldn’t mind havin’ me a setup like this. Might make me want to settle down like the rest of you pussies,” Shadow said, preparing to open the door that was their goal.

  “One of these days, Shadow,” Torpedo threatened.

  “Yeah,” Vicious said. “I can see it now. Some little thing wrapping you around her finger, Shadow…” He shook his head like he truly regretted Shadow’s imaginary situation.

  “That’s harsh, man. Harsh.”

  “Cut it out, you clowns.” Data’s voice came over Shadow’s phone. “We’re on the clock here.”

  Shadow opened the door, stepped inside, and keyed the code Data had given them. “We’re in.”

  “OK. Countdown started. Thirty minutes. Get in. Rip it up. Standing by here.”

  The three men made their way through the house. The intel Data had for them indicated Foley would be in his study, going over the day’s reports. Apparently, the man was fastidious in that regard. He always reviewed the day’s work before locking it in his safe and going to bed. Tonight was no exception.

  “Richmond Foley,” Torpedo said as the three men entered the room. Though all were armed, Vicious was the only one with his weapon drawn. Since they were in Bane territory, if shots were fired, it would be Vicious’s decision.

  “Who’s there?” The man didn’t sound nearly as afraid as he should. Well, that was about to change.

  “My name’s Torpedo. I’m here because of my recent acquaintance with a young woman named Ambrosia Gataki. Do you remember her?”

  Foley scowled. “It was her lies that put my son in prison,” he spat. “I doubt I’ll ever forget that little tramp.”

  Torpedo let the silence drag on as Foley gathered his papers. Probably to put them in the safe before anyone could get a look at them. As if they cared. Once Foley looked back at them, Torpedo caught his gaze and held it. The man still hadn’t realized the trouble he was in.

  “Whatever you’re here for, I don’t have it. I’m not giving you money.” Still, Torpedo didn’t say anything, the two men flanking him still as death. “What?”

  “Because you don’t have any idea how much Rose means to me, I’ll forgive that slight to her. Once. Now you know so there’ll be no misunderstanding.”

  Foley laughed. “How much she means to you? That girl is poison! She’ll play you for your money, bleed you dry, then cry foul when she’s done with you.”

  Torpedo took the three steps separating himself and Foley with lightning speed, delivering a slap that spun the older man around so that he fell across his desk. When he reached for his phone, Shadow was there, knocking it out of reach and stomping it on the floor with one heavy-soled bootheel.

  “Son of a bitch! Do you have any idea who I am?”

  “The better question would be, do I give a flyin’ fuck who you are? ‘Cause I don’t. What I do care about is Rose and how you’ve made it your personal mission in life to make her miserable. You’ve followed her all over the country, making sure she has no means of supporting herself. All because
you can’t admit you raised a fuckin’ monster.”

  “My son was innocent! He didn’t rape that girl!”

  “If I read the court transcript correctly, she never claimed he raped her. It was the other thirteen women. Rose was just the one to actually call the cops when he tried to beat her senseless. That about right?”

  “The evidence was circumstantial at best,” Foley argued. “They only convicted him because of who I am. They see him as just another privileged white male thinking he can get away with anything because his father has money. If he’d been of a different background --”

  “He’d still have been convicted because he was fuckin’ guilty as sin,” Torpedo finished. “I’m not here about that, and I don’t much care if the man is guilty or not. I’m here about Rose. Now, shut the fuck up and sit down. I have something to show you.”

  Richmond stood for several seconds, trying his best to stare down Torpedo. When he did sit, he did so behind his desk. Torpedo almost smiled.

  “You put your hands anywhere but flat on the top of that desk, and we won’t wait to show you what awaits your son if you don’t follow my instructions to the letter.” Torpedo jerked his head toward Vicious. “He’ll put a fuckin’ bullet in your brain before I ever give the fuckin’ word.”

  Foley paused, looking startled that Torpedo had called him out. Like he was too stupid to know he had a gun under his desk drawer. Finally, he sat back with a sigh. “What do you want to show me?”

  Torpedo grinned. “That’s right. Just sit back there and relax.” Shadow eased behind Foley, putting a heavy hand on the man’s shoulder. With the other hand, he set a tablet in front of the man on the desktop. On the screen was Tyler Foley’s smiling, smirking face.


  “Hey, Pops. Happy to see me? The boys here said you pulled some strings. Say I’m gonna be free again soon.”

  “Tyler, who’s with you?” Richmond didn’t look nearly as confident as his son. Reasonable, since Tyler had no idea who had him. By the look of him, Richmond had a very good idea.